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The Difference Between Good and Bad: The DoctorsTV Opinion Shifts With Research and Clinical Experience – Does Yours Change as Easily?

Most doctors are expected to follow the guidance of the governing body that issues their licenses, instead of thinking for themselves or drawing from their own experience.

You may well benefit from knowledgeable physicians and healthcare providers who specialize in your area of interest.

Dr. Travis seemed willing to waiver between good and bad judgments about e-cigarettes, supplements, and other things he addressed on today’s show. The audience members had excellent comments from their personal experience that can change a doctor’s mind regardless of research or training associated with the limitations of his license.

One brand of e-cigarette or nutritional supplement may vary greatly from another brand or manufacturer just like compounding pharmacies vary in quality control as evidenced by the recent meningitis fungal issue in the News. Not all are created nor operate equally…

So…who do you trust?

However, here is one website where you can safely and assuredly order quality health products without trepidation: Herbal Remedies

Coffee varies widely in terms of where it is grown, the conditions of the soil, the weather, the water it receives as a plant, the seed stock, the way it is handled in the store, and the processing of the beans. Drink the best coffee you can afford, perhaps a fair-trade organic shade-grown varietal for the ‘health’ of it. What you add to your coffee is almost as important as the coffee itself, so use natural sweeteners and a healthy creamer like coconut milk.

Keep an open mind and look at all aspects of these topics and products before dismissing or embracing them. Seek out assistance with experienced professionals. Best yet – use the EAV equipment to know for certain how any product will affect you.

TheDoctorsTV on What’s Good or Bad For Your Health

For instance, a few months ago, I dismissed the value of Jusuru and now that I have more carefully investigated the product and clinical research; I am now going to take the product myself and market the products to other professionals and those who treasure a healthy lifestyle.

I changed my mind – and you may find this product line beneficial for bone, joint, and cartilage health as well as wound healing, skin care, and mood management. It apparently benefits the eyes from the experiences of those who drink the juice regularly and appears to replenish all tissue in addition to rehydration of synovial fluid, cerebral-spinal fluid, and other bodily fluids like tears and blood.

Visit my Professional Company website to learn more, order the product, or enroll to purchase the product at wholesale prices:

Jusuru – the Product of the Day, the Year, and the Century

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