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March 29th, 2011
Dr. Oz and Montel Williams got into a heated debate with other advocates and experts while discussing the various issues about the legalization of Medical Marijuana. I found the episode to be invigorating and revealing…
Montel Williams is passionate about finding a way for people who are respected citizens in this country to have legal access to Medical Marijuana for the treatment of pain. He’s right when he fervently asked who could refuse him this relief! No one in their right mind can make that call to keep another human being from suffering in agony.
No law should exist that precludes the reasonable use of any natural substance that has been proven to provide relief and is inexpensive and relatively safe. Marijuana fits into this category and is much safer than many common pharmaceuticals that are often prescribed by doctors for pain and other conditions that are far more addictive and harmful than pot.
Marijuana is not necessarily addictive, but when people are in pain they will be inclined to seek constant relief. However, both Montel and the other woman who has used Medical Marijuana stated that they are not dependent upon it and don’t feel addicted to the substance. They function as normal citizens with full faculties and without pain. That’s worth all the discussion in the world…
You won’t understand or respect that statement until you have unending pain. You might think that you can take the pain, but until you find yourself writhing in agony non-stop twenty-four hours a day without sleep and without relief; you DO NOT KNOW PAIN. So all of those so-called experts like the woman talking politics who haven’t experienced this degree of pain, just don’t get to determine the necessity for the rest of us. She needs an overhaul with her political mumbo-jumbo anyway. At first I was willing to listen to her side of the fence, but then she made me want to silence her and put her out to pasture. I cannot give her any credibility.
I did appreciate the expert who is a physician who uses Medical Marijuana for his cancer patients. My own father suffered from nausea, pain, and lack of appetite in the last stages of colon cancer and he begged me for help in getting him something to smoke after being opposed to the substance all of his life. Pain will do that to people and will change the mind of a person on one side of the fence. He did get relief from the pain and was able to eat without upsetting his stomach to the end when he passed away with his faculties intact. My mother had been so medicated with morphine when she was dying of stomach cancer that she was unable to communicate with us at the end of her illness. My father was a real trooper and overcame his objections to marijuana and left this life in peace. I say that we need to legalize this substance and make it available to people in pain who cannot take other medications or afford other care.
I was upset with Dr. Oz when he expressed his distaste for building thriving businesses. Hemp and marijuana can provide thousands of jobs and be a viable revenue source in this economy, so he needs to get a grip on his attitude. If there is a legitimate demand for the products that accompany the cultivation of the plant material; then a business should be able to sell them and make a profit. This is capitalism at its best. It’s better than doing drug deals in the alley or in more dangerous places. Let’s bring it into the light of day and keep it safe and sane.
Marijuana works on the receptor sites on the synapses of our nerves. It blocks pain signals from being transmitted along the system. That’s an incredible thing that many drugs try to mimic. Most don’t do that well and people get intermittent pain relief at best… As long as marijuana is grown without pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural toxins; then it will remain safer and more effective than many of the drugs that the FDA monitors now.
I would caution people from the conclusion that this substance is addictive when comparing it to the more well-known drugs like heroine or morphine or other opiates. I know dozens of people who might smoke a little occasionally, drink beer or other liquor occasionally, and smoke cigarettes now and then. They don’t get hooked on pot, so the concept and fear that it is a gateway drug or an addictive drug is unproven to my own satisfaction.
There are people who will abuse any substance when given a chance. It’s their attitude more than the physical properties of the substances at work more often than not. If a person has to be licensed to go into a store to purchase Medical Marijuana; then that restricts most of the abuse at the commercial level. Then you have to address the social sector of our society that will abuse anything. Certainly we are intelligent enough to do that…
Pain Management is a critical part of health care and we have to allow for effective substances like marijuana to take their rightful place in our culture.
We’ve talked until we are blue in the face about the natural ways to address Pain. We like our Pure Relief CieAura Holographic Chips and our MSM powder and our Essential Oils that work. But if people really need to smoke, inhale, or eat their marijuana; then they should be given the freedom to do so to alleviate their pain. Everyone deserves to live in a pain-free body!
Pure Relief CieAura Holographic Chips
I always work diligently to help people get to the root cause of the pain, but that doesn’t always allow for simple Pain Management or complete relief. I wanted to spank that young counselor for his insulting mode of operation. Who does he think he is? He is as bad as the female politico who thinks that policy outweighs people…they need to experience the pain to understand the issues! They may have good intentions, but they lack compassion and experience; so they need to be met with the reality of the seriousness of the issue of Pain Management in the real world. It’s more than literature reviews and policies and research studies…
While marijuana would not be my ‘go-to’ substance of choice for pain, I do hope that we can keep it in the line-up as a legal choice for people who choose to use it instead of more harmful drugs. Surely, we live in a society that can blend compassion with health care with law to accommodate all of our needs and points-of-view without trampling on the freedom and the rights of citizens to live a meaningful and productive pain-free life.
Maybe Dr. Oz can invite Rocco DiSpirito back to his stage to give people a good recipe for brownies with bud. Rachel Ray could offer the audience a good spaghetti sauce recipe with the herb. A pot of tea brewed and served on a bus in Amsterdam opened my eyes to the difference in our cultural views many years ago, so I think that we can all find a way to make room for a pain-free view of the world here in this country with a little place for the weed in our arsenal of products that are effective for dealing with the misery of chronic pain.
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March 28th, 2011
Doctor Oz was not sure just how effective this method for losing weight might be, but at least he explored the possibility on today’s show.
The power of the mind cannot be underestimated and you can move mountains with your Thought, if you know how to apply the ancient techniques.
You can change your body, you can change your weight, and you can become the ‘New You’ with the exertion of your mind.
But…you do have to know how and be diligent until the desired result is achieved. Your persistence is mandatory for you to be successful.
You can go through the gyrations that were described during this segment or you can draw an image of your new body shape and form and focus upon it, move the energy through seven seals, release it, and smear reality to conform to your new image.
Posted in Health | 4 Comments »
March 27th, 2011
You might be tired of the dull days of winter with overcast skies and cold days that chill you to the bone.
It’s almost over as the season changes and the weather begins to issue in the warmth that is so welcome at this time of year.
Spring is a grand season and we love to celebrate it by taking a few steps to improve our health as the days become warmer and it is more inviting to venture outside.
We love to begin to take walks to get more sun and more vitamin D during the day now. If you walk outside for fifteen to thirty minutes while the sun is out and shining upon you, your body will do the rest to utilize the light. Vitamin D is more important than most doctors thought and the emerging research is encouraging more of us to spend a reasonable amount of time in the sun to benefit our bones, our brains, and our endocrine system.
Calcium metabolism is dependent upon minerals and vitamin D. The parathyroid plays a pivotal role in this process. Your walk in the sun helps your body to do this crucial work for you without supplementation. If you cannot take a walk daily, then you can use a vitamin D supplement with calcium and other trace minerals from the foods that you eat or the nutritional products you take regularly.
In the Spring, it is good to get some bodywork. Massage Therapy begins to stimulate your lymphatic system and improves your circulation. If you have been dormant during the winter, then bodywork on a weekly basis will work wonders for you and your energy level which is needed for increased activity as the weather allows you to go out and do more.
It’s time to plan and prepare your garden. If you have never planted and tended to a garden before, this is the year to start a garden. When you provide fresh vegetables, berries, greens, and other whole foods from healthy soil, you are going to fall in love with this time of year.
The quality of the food that can come from your garden is far greater than what you are going to find in a store that transports it from thousands of miles away from where you live. Eating local produce and locally grown foods is becoming more common and it is a wise choice for those who want to maintain a healthy Lifestyle and contribute to the well-being of our environment.
We’ve talked about sources of heirloom and non-hybrid seeds previously and now is a good time to get the annual seed catalogs and plan your garden paradise.
You can also meet some great people in your town who will exchange seeds and produce from their gardens and farms with you to enhance the variety of whole foods for all of you. CSAs and Farmer’s Markets are going to become your passion from this time of year into the Fall.
Spring into action and enjoy the warmer weather and a healthier Lifestyle during this time of year. You will find that your body responds rapidly to all of the new levels of activity and it will reward you with enhanced vitality and a true sense of well-being.
Posted in Health | 2 Comments »
March 26th, 2011
If you want to do your part to maintain your own health while participating in EarthHour; then you can simultaneously help to heal the Planet.
EarthHour starts in one minute and I want you to be involved.
Turn off your lights earlier and make it a daily habit. This conserves energy, contributes to the environmental effort to manage natural resources, and assists you in living in a more sustainable world.
It’s simple and elegant. This is happening all across the world and you are a vital part of the process. This might begin again for another year, but it’s now up to you to make it a regular occurrence in your household.
Do it in the moonlight…
Do it in the candlelight…
Do it in the dark…
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March 25th, 2011
Dr. Oz finally brought on a few real food experts who gave some excellent suggestions for transforming your health in one weekend. In fact, Dr. Oz issued a Health Challenge which made sense for a change…a change to a healthy Lifestyle.
The lovely blond woman gave helpful hints about eating a better breakfast on Saturday morning and finding time to fix great food on Sunday which will turn your healthy around in one sweet and savory weekend. She showed a savory omelete and a sweet bowl of whole grains with yogurt and honey. She mentioned that quinoa and amaranth were making a comeback, but in our world – they never left and have held an honored place in our pantry for forty years. We used to have to deal with the saponin, but these days all that work is done for you, the smart and savvy shopper, when you go to Whole Foods Markets and Food Coops for your organic goodies and fine foods.
The darling gentleman talked about healthy Lifestyle behaviors and gave the audience some intelligent ideas and reasons to make some changes. This was promoted as a way to prevent heart attacks on Monday mornings, but in all actuality; this information will help you arise every day refreshed and ready to greet the day and make it through without cardiac events! I hope that you go to this link on the Doctor Oz website to find out more about today’s episode – it was one of the best in a long time.
Doctor Oz and the Weekend Challenge
The other segment of today’s show that impressed me was the wheel of Tea activity. Although the tea expert repeated what Dr. Oz gave his guest while spinning the wheel as a health benefit, it did serve as a worthy introduction to four teas. The Rooibos Tea from Africa is going to knock your socks off, since it is still difficult to find in this country unless you know where to look for it.
Teas Etc – Rooibos Tea
These are not your box teas that have been sitting on the grocery store shelves for months after a long wait in the warehouse. No, sister, these are the fresh Teas that are really going to make an impact on your health and attitude. Of, course, you are going to need some teaware in order to brew loose leaves and real tea correctly, so here is a store where you’ll find fantastic styles and choices for teaware and assessories for all of your tea time.
When you make your own Sage Tea, please be sure to pick organic sage leaves to use to brew the tea. Honey, lemon, and organic black tea do blend well with sage, spearmint, or other herbal teas that are a little too intense for the American palette alone.
Nettle Tea can be wildcrafted in an area like the great Pacific Northwest where stinging nettle grows on the mountain sides in abundance. If you need to order it online, then just be sure to get it from a reputable source, since freshness is going to affect the quality and the health benefits for allergies and other applications. Nettle makes a nice hair rinse, too.
While Dr. Oz only featured four herbal Teas, including Hibiscus Tea which is rich in vitamin C; we wouldn’t want you to forget about green, white, black, and specialty teas.
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March 24th, 2011
Dr. Joe Mercola was the guest on Dr. Oz repeat episode that aired today. I missed the first time the show was on TV, but I listened to every word this afternoon.
Dr. Joe Mercola had a similar experience to many of us. We all had training and medical care in Traditional Western Medicine and then found it lacking in so many ways. It was a model that treated disease, instead of promoting health and wellness for a whole human being. It works in the ER, but it fails us in our daily lives. But Mercola and many of us came to appreciate the value of a healthy Lifestyle through whole foods and nutritional supplementation.
My training took a turn toward Psychology and then Acupuncture leading me to Lifestyle Therapy and Bio-Energetic Medicine. Dr. Mercola found himself practicing with his medical license, but offering nutrition and diet as a method of finding health, rather than prescribing drugs and surgery for his patients. He is unconventional and refreshing when he brings more to the medical table than his counterparts who only work with the information they got in medical school. Dr. Oz is somewhere in between and growing as he learns all the time.
Dr. Oz talked about opening up the communication between the traditional medical community and the pioneers. But I say that it is more a matter of the minds of the doctors trained in Western Medicine opening their minds to the horizons that have existed for thousands of centuries combined with cutting-edge research in nutrition.
It will eventually be a two-way street, but for decades it has been one way feeding knowledge into doctors’ hands for them to consider while being educated by their patients. Yes, patients have driven doctors to be forced to include nutrition and food as the medicine for the future and the present. The doctors have to be willing to embrace ancient wisdom and emerging research and common sense to treat their patients successfully for health, instead of just looking for disease. It’s an entirely separate and distinct model and approach which values a consistent Lifestyle. We do focus more on wellness than disease. We look at prevention, not for stopping the progression of a disease. We are more interested in living well every single day than framing our behavior around a disease that is far removed from our realistic perspective of ‘what’s happening now’.
Dr. Mercola described that his approach features whole foods with some nutritional support. I agree with this concept. He didn’t get into the specifics about whole foods and diet, but he did give a few ideas about his supplements.
He takes Krill Oil, minerals, vitamin D, astraxanthin, and a few other regular supplements. He was gun-ho for l-argenine and astraxanthin. He challenges conventional thought with the review of the literature. Good for him! Perhaps his colleagues will find more value in his approach as time goes on…
Instead of supplementing with astraxanthin, why don’t you eat salmon. Wild salmon, not farmed fish. Instead of using Fish Oil, why not go with Krill Oil and eat a variety of seafoods that are sustainably-harvested. This is going to separate the men from the boys in the health care field while it makes a difference between living a healthy Lifestyle or having to deal with the diagnosis of some disease.
I use the EAV equipment to determine each individual’s nutritional requirements, rather than guessing from lab work or interviews. This approach will eventually become more common as health care providers expand their horizons to technology and evaluation that is more accurate and goal-oriented for Wellness.
Dr. Mercola does sell nutritional products on his site along with his Newsletter, but he doesn’t offer the range that we give to you here. Your support of our website and Blog depends upon the purchase of health and wellness and Lifestyle products and services through our affiliate partners. Dr. Mercola found that he could not support his Newsletter without marketing products, too. It is not a conflict of interest, it is a worthwhile endeavor that allows us to continue this work for your ultimate benefit.
The VitalChoice website offers Krill Oil and wild salmon along with organic Chocolate and frozen Berries. It offers fermented or cultured foods which also contribute to your health in your kitchen. There are additional products that you can find that you will find to be beneficial for your well-being.
Vital Choice – Salmon – Krill Oil – Organic Chocolate – Organic Berries
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March 23rd, 2011
Dr. Oz could be blowing smoke up your skirt by giving you confusing information about gluten-free diets.
He compared apples with oranges today… I would like to provide some clarification.
If you listen to anyone, listen to Dr. Mark Hyman when he describes the health issues surrounding gluten sensitivities and solutions with whole foods.
Dr. Oz was making mountains out of molehills by misconstruing caloric values with weight management and drawing inaccurate conclusions with his comparisons of processed food items. Since you are smarter than the average audience member, you wouldn’t be inclined to eat ANY of the garbage that was compared…it was NOT real food!
Those cardboard waffles and drab boring crackers among the rest of the crap he compared using calorie amounts, instead of nutrition…are hardly a valid point of reference. We would never want to eat anything he had on the table. The bread in a sandwich and the lunch meat is inedible for those who care about health rather than counting calories or filling the hunger in your gut.
The chili with beans, onions, organic spices, and free-range grass-fed beef or ostrich meat from Fossil Farms would be one option for your lunch or dinner. Mark pointed it out and Oz took note of how good that bowl of chili looked on the set. The point is to eat whole foods, not any processed stuff.
Beans, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fresh fruit, greens, seaweed, spices, and herbs are the way to go toward a healthy lifestyle. These foods will take you on a journey to your ideal weight.
You don’t need to get lost in the quagmire of calorie counting…that’s sheer madness. So is the whole idea of breaking down the good, the bad, and the ugly about the processed gluten-free foods or their traditional counterparts like wheat, barley, or rye flour food products. If you can read and if you can tell a grain of wheat from a grain of brown rice; then you will do just fine in your quest for whole food replacements for the lousy processed items made from gluten.
The doctors both identified foods with gluten like bagels, most breads, pastries, lunch meats, and so many packaged foods. The description of the hidden gluten in toothpaste, skin care products, make-up, and other household products should have helped you realize how pervasive this is in our daily lives.
If you shop at Whole Foods or your local Food Coop or Farmer’s Markets, you will be able to find healthy alternatives to the common offenders that taste good and have more nutrition for you. But you are going to have to learn to go into your kitchen and make healthy meals from whole foods. That’s the price you pay for loving your body enough to take good care of it, instead of making excuses about calories or the lack of creativity when you cook.
When you eat a Raw Foods diet or a plant-based whole foods diet, you are going to get back to your ideal and perfect weight and body size gradually and in a healthy sane way. You don’t have to make a huge effort to diet, it will occur naturally. This obsession that doctors have with calories has got to be thrown out with the processed foods that make experts wallow in the weight of their own foolishness. Just step out of the quicksand of calorie counting and stand on the firm ground of whole foods.
One more thing…don’t fall for the ‘bait and switch’ technique that a lot of commercial brands are throwing at you these days. They know that you are looking for gluten-free choices when you shop for food. Chex is not a good choice, even though it is gluten-free. You have to use your brain to make these obvious distinctions and quit listening to the advertising gimmicks, the misinformation, and the doctors who don’t cook.
Here is one site that has a lot of gluten-free foods, some of which are excellent and healthy and some of which you should stay away from altogether. You’ll know the difference…use your common sense or ask me for details if you get stuck on the specific brands or items.
Read the ingredient list…
The person who wants to arrive at their ideal weight and be true to their goal of giving their body healthy whole foods will enjoy many gluten-free foods. It goes with the territory of health and wellness. You simply need to be mindful of the correct information and the distinction between poor advice and reasonable facts.
Posted in Health | 1 Comment »
March 22nd, 2011
The Japanese are struggling to respond to this mega quake and enormous tsunami as quickly as possible, but it is an overwhelming task for both individuals and the government alike.
Other nations and groups are offering their assistance, but is it enough? Would you be OK if this kind of natural disaster happened where you live?
We know the importance of Preparedness, so we want to invite you to attend a special Conference Call about being prepared by having specific Essential Oils with you when a catastrophe occurs and relief is days or weeks away.
This information just might save your Life!
The owner of Be Young Essential Oils will be presenting this information, so don’t miss this Conference Call.
Here is the Invitation:
As you already know, ALL of our premium Be Young Essential Oils set the bar for perfection. But do you know which ones give you the most uses for everyday AND for more challenging times such as an earthquake, chaos, extended loss of power, etc.?
Tune in to this Wednesday’s Be Young Essential Oil Conference Call and discover which oils you may want to expand in your preparedness supplies.
Our founder, Dana Young, PhD, will provide his expertise on these matters which may be more prevalent in all of our minds during this trying time in the world.
bonus: Remember that every BYEO Conference Call also includes an EXCLUSIVE special offer that’s only available to those who tune in to expand their knowledge of these amazing products.
“See” you there!
Call Time: 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time
Call-in Number:
followed by entering the PIN code: 1035455#
Once connected please announce yourself and then press *6 on your phone. This will mute your line, so you can listen to the important information being shared with all of the people on this Call.
Once you listen to this life-saving information, then place your Order on my website. I will give you a one hour Consultation when you order from me. We will discuss Preparedness and your personal interests, needs, and considerations.
Be Young Essential Oils – This is the Be Young site for Orders and Memberships
Posted in Health | 8 Comments »
March 21st, 2011
You would think that the production staff on the Dr. Oz show had been reading my Blog to get their healthy ideas for today’s TV show!
One of the experts that discussed ways to deal with fatigue, a case of feeling drab, and the stress that takes the wind out of your sails. She actually showed ‘teff’ and explained its value for a mid-day snack. Hemp seeds were mentioned along with chia seeds and nuts. Just don’t buy rancid nuts from a vending machine and make sure that all of these foods are organic, natural, and fresh.
The Versativa Hemp Pulse and Hemp Pulse Snack Bars are the ideal way to include hemp into your daily routine, especially when you need to take something with you to the office, while you are traveling, and when you can’t stop to get something to eat.
Gluten-Free Foods makes Teff Tortillas and you can find teff in your Whole Foods Markets to make your own from scratch. I am considering making injera commercially available which is usually found only in Ethiopian restaurants and households. It’s a flatbread that is made from teff that soaks up the sauces and is used much as we use a tortilla, papadam, or naan. Would you buy it from me?
She didn’t quite pronounce adzuki beans correctly, but she is trying to give examples of whole foods. The healthy fats of avocado were offered as an option which is better than the cheese. The idea was to eat every three hours to provide the body with protein, carbs, and fats in smaller quantities than a main meal, but enough to maintain an energy level that takes you through the rest of the day. In other words, you might want to learn how to ‘graze’, instead of gulping down big meals.
You can find adzuki beans in any health food store that carries macrobiotic foods and most Whole Foods Markets. You will usually find them in the bulk food section. Food Coops carry these delightful little red beans which can be prepared into both savory and sweet dishes.
When you eat beans like the little red adzukis, please remember to combine them with a whole grain or a soy food partner. This is the basis of the principle of good food combining which is practiced in countries like Japan and China and Mexico since ancient names.
Fermented or cultured foods were identified as an additional food that is good to eat during the day to maintain one’s energy levels. Kim Chi, sauerkraut, pickled daikon, pickled carrots, pickled beets, and some of the fantastic blends that you can get from two of our business associates are ideally suited to aiding your digestion and contributing to your metabolic balance throughout the day.
Vital Choice Cultured Vegetables
Cleopatra bathed in much more than milk. She used honey and pearl powder in addition to other Essential Oils that nourish and heal the skin. No matter how much you do for the skin’s surface with organic oils and creams, you simply get more bang when you nourish your skin from the whole foods that you eat daily.
Color Therapy is much more involved than the so-called experts on Dr. Oz today were able to describe for you. Blue light for pathogens like bacteria? No, honey, that’s not accurate! It’s UV Blue light…let’s spell that out for you novices. ULTRA VIOLET BLUE LIGHT which has been used for decades by those of us ‘in the know’. To set the record straight, blue light affects the Water Element which corresponds to the kidneys, the urinary bladder, and the reproductive organs.
Purple vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, and potato are not only going to provide anthocyanins, but many other co-factors that can’t be isolated or taken individually. It’s more important to eat colorful whole foods for your general health, rather than just preparing for bathing suit season to be looking good on the beach while you burn your skin in the hot summer sun. Maybe Dr. Oz can find more experienced experts somewhere…
You will be at your healthiest when you eat a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits. Purple, blue, red, orange, yellow, green, and white…along with brown and so many other fabulous hues of the rainbow found in Nature’s garden. If you haven’t seen a great seed catalog lately, then get one from ‘Seeds of Change’.
Posted in Health | 3 Comments »
March 20th, 2011
We have just launched our new LIfestyle News Blog. You are invited to visit and find more valuable information for your health and well-being every day as we explore the News around the world.
This is going to be a Lifestyle Blog that covers more than health. It will feature ‘all things’ related to your Lifestyle. Health, Medicine, Fashion, Media, Celebrity, Trends, Emergency Alerts, People, Places, Events, and Things that contribute to enhance your Lifestyle.
We think that you will find it intriguing, exciting, informative, powerful, and useful when you visit the site every day to get the most important News and tips that we can share with you.
Here we are:
Lifestyle News and Tips
We might highlight the latest Trends that we discuss in detail here. We might talk about what Charley Sheen is doing with his Tiger Blood. We may very well tell you about something you’ve never heard about or thought about anywhere else.
Come one, come all…visit and find more value for you, your family, your friends, and your business associates on our new Lifestyle News Tips Blog.
Posted in Health | 2 Comments »
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