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Dr. Oz and the Weekend Health Shuffle Challenge with the Art of Healthy Tea and Tasty Food

Dr. Oz finally brought on a few real food experts who gave some excellent suggestions for transforming your health in one weekend. In fact, Dr. Oz issued a Health Challenge which made sense for a change…a change to a healthy Lifestyle.

The lovely blond woman gave helpful hints about eating a better breakfast on Saturday morning and finding time to fix great food on Sunday which will turn your healthy around in one sweet and savory weekend. She showed a savory omelete and a sweet bowl of whole grains with yogurt and honey. She mentioned that quinoa and amaranth were making a comeback, but in our world – they never left and have held an honored place in our pantry for forty years. We used to have to deal with the saponin, but these days all that work is done for you, the smart and savvy shopper, when you go to Whole Foods Markets and Food Coops for your organic goodies and fine foods.

The darling gentleman talked about healthy Lifestyle behaviors and gave the audience some intelligent ideas and reasons to make some changes. This was promoted as a way to prevent heart attacks on Monday mornings, but in all actuality; this information will help you arise every day refreshed and ready to greet the day and make it through without cardiac events! I hope that you go to this link on the Doctor Oz website to find out more about today’s episode – it was one of the best in a long time.

Doctor Oz and the Weekend Challenge

The other segment of today’s show that impressed me was the wheel of Tea activity. Although the tea expert repeated what Dr. Oz gave his guest while spinning the wheel as a health benefit, it did serve as a worthy introduction to four teas. The Rooibos Tea from Africa is going to knock your socks off, since it is still difficult to find in this country unless you know where to look for it.

Teas Etc – Rooibos Tea

These are not your box teas that have been sitting on the grocery store shelves for months after a long wait in the warehouse. No, sister, these are the fresh Teas that are really going to make an impact on your health and attitude. Of, course, you are going to need some teaware in order to brew loose leaves and real tea correctly, so here is a store where you’ll find fantastic styles and choices for teaware and assessories for all of your tea time.

When you make your own Sage Tea, please be sure to pick organic sage leaves to use to brew the tea. Honey, lemon, and organic black tea do blend well with sage, spearmint, or other herbal teas that are a little too intense for the American palette alone.

Nettle Tea can be wildcrafted in an area like the great Pacific Northwest where stinging nettle grows on the mountain sides in abundance. If you need to order it online, then just be sure to get it from a reputable source, since freshness is going to affect the quality and the health benefits for allergies and other applications. Nettle makes a nice hair rinse, too.

While Dr. Oz only featured four herbal Teas, including Hibiscus Tea which is rich in vitamin C; we wouldn’t want you to forget about green, white, black, and specialty teas.

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