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Dr. Oz and Inflammation as a Prelude to Cancer

The good Dr. Oz made a horrifying statement today that I simply MUST respond to and clarify for people who listen to his TV show for advice and information. NO…not everyone in the audience and at home watching your show has cancer! No they don’t! Some might, some do…but that blanket statement you made that EVERYONE has cancer is a terrible mistake and you should withdraw that with an apology and an explanation. You are putting the fear back into the equation by even making such an all-encompassing suggestion that all people have cancer. Let’s be honest and explain…

Doctors like Oz see sick and diseased people…that’s their primary MindSet. They treat disease. They look at you and they think about what diseases you have. They don’t necessarily look at you to see a ‘Whole Being’ and a real human. It’s their training and their worldview. I find that sad in many ways. When you look for disease, you’ll very often find it. If you instill fear of disease in people, that gives their subconscious Mind a directive which lends itself to the development of disease. Thus it is with cancer.

Dr. Oz has been trained into thinking that everyone has the potential for developing cancer. He has seen it, he has looked at it, he wants to help you; but to say that everyone in his audience and at home ALREADY have cancer is an irresponsible statement that is on its face is…false and inaccurate. The potential exists and there is a higher incidence of diagnosed cancer as the medical tools continue to improve and people seek diagnostic assistance and care. As synthetic chemicals and toxins plague our environment, our food, our soils, our air, our water, and even our clothing; there is a higher risk for throwing the human body out of balance which sets up the conditions that allow abnormal cells to proliferate and grow unchecked.

That’s the point of this Blog, all things considered, with health ideas about how you can change your Lifestyle to live well with a full and health-oriented existence. There are also many, many people who DO NOT have cancer and live a healthy Lifestyle so that they will NEVER fear cancer or other degenerative diseases. It’s always your choice!

Your doctors don’t live your life for you. You live your life and you decide what is true for you. You are responsible for your health. Embrace it and make it real for you in your Mind, in your Body, and with the full force and power of your Spirit.

Eventually doctors will be trained in Wellness, instead of primarily being educated about pathology. It’s your job to find doctors who have taken it upon themselves to work with their patients toward Wellness and genuine health, instead of being another disease that you throw pills at or surgically remove the offending body part.

Doctors don’t know that you are a sentient Being who has chosen certain attitudes and belief systems which determine your state of health or your lack thereof… Even when a physician performs a surgical procedure, if you don’t change your Mind, you will develop that disease in a different form in some other portion of your body.

For a person to genuinely heal, they must change their Minds as they change their Lifestyle choices, the foods they eat, the drinks they guzzle, and the relationships they share which create their life experiences. This begins as as Inner process and the results are seen in your body. You are the responsible party in this process. That’s a good thing! You are empowered to be your best advocate and your own wise counsel. You are the one who makes the ultimate choice!

Dr. Oz was correct about the points he made regarding Red Wine which is one enjoyable method of strengthening your body with the health benefits that we, as Italians, have known and used for centuries. One or two glasses of an organic Red Wine with meals daily will contribute to a healthier heart, better skin, stronger immunity, and a more joyful Lifestyle.

There’s no one silver bullet in the daily work you can do to stay healthy and free from cancerous cells or pathogens which cause inflammation. However, when you adopt a healthy Lifestyle, each activity and every choice you make daily will contribute to your overall health and wellness. It is cumulative!

Sunflower seeds, blueberries, chili peppers, kale, walnuts, turmeric, salmon, shrimp, and the rest of the foods that we continue to discuss on this blog are going to nourish you as the sum of all these parts, especially when you use your brilliant Mind and wise Spirit to hold the image of authentic well-being as your primary focal point.

Shop our wide selection of high-quality culinary spices from kitchen classics to exotic blends.

We know that it can be difficult to find good quality foods and nutritional supplements, so we share our trusted and reputable sources with you to make it easier for you to make healthy choices. Turmeric can be used to cook with whether it’s with brown rice and tofu or in sauces like a chicken curry. If you aren’t going to prepare foods with turmeric; then here is a source for a supplement.

Golden Spice Elixir with Turmeric

Yes, music and sound can and does heal. There is also discordant music, if you can call it music, which can cause disease processes and imbalance in your body and bio-energetic field. So choose your music and the sounds that you invite into your Life wisely and intentionally. Speak your wellness and health into being… Listen to uplifting music and lyrics which support the construction of your wonderful Life at a conscious level by creating your ideal environment.

Vitamin K and Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as all the rest of the vitamins that have been named and identified by science in addition to those nutrients and co-factors that science has yet to ascertain…each has a role to play in this beautiful drama. These nutrients know their lines and their roles and play to the best of their ability…as long as you give them the option by ingesting them regularly to keep them on the stage of your body.

Minerals, vitamins, water, and every nutrient known to man are going to join you in singing your praises and when you ‘feel’ the gratitude that your knowledge and the implementation of this information in your day-to-day routine comes to life and blossom gracefully…you’ll know Love of Self, Love of Life, and Love in all its forms and functions.

One Response to “Dr. Oz and Inflammation as a Prelude to Cancer”

  1. chrissy Says:

    I am not going to judge, but I think every indivual is very different and I don’t think everything that Dr. Oz tells all of us is for all of us. My sister watches him faithfully and she just told me that Dr. Oz claimed that if you have wrinkles in your ear lobes that your doomed with major heart health. Well, I have two leaky heart valves and I also have wrinkles in my ear lobes, but my doctor told me that I shouldn’t worry about my heart health. Now, thanks to this information, I am concerned! I’d like to know how wrinkled ear lobes can tell a person that their heart health is in trouble because of this condition!? Thanks,

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