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You Can Count on Chinese Herbs!

You may not be able to trust any other food product or consumable product made in China today…but you can count on specific Chinese Herbal formulations.  The industry is regulated by the government with licenses and certificates, yet the quality of these herbs is defined by company reputation and is largely self-regulating due to the level of integrity of practitioners of TCM.

Let’s face it…the people who are manufacturing the cheap stuff are primarily trying to sell to the low-end markets in other countries!  The Wal-Marts of any business who go for the lowest price as the primary factor in product selection is going to be suspect…all of the time!  It is safer to simply not shop at those locations.  Why take an unnecessary risk?  It’s foolhardy!  Better to be safe than sorry!

When choosing Chinese Herbal formulations, there are several companies who are known for quality and high standards.  These people know the growers, they test the herbs, and it is a completely different situation than Wal-Mart stock, pet food, or toothpaste.

We will eventually name names and point fingers, so you know who, what, where, and why!

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