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Why is the Copenhagen Climate Convention Relevant for You?

You breathe the same air that is available to me to draw my breath from!

You have the choice to either contribute to the pollution of the water that I have available to me to quench my thirst…or to be a part of the solution by making sure you help water to be treasured as a finite resource.

You have the chance to use your money to vote for healthy alternatives to our food choices. Farmers will grow more organic and sustainable crops if you will buy them just as I do every day. We can make a marketplace strong for healthy soil and agricultural practices.

When you are shopping for a new vehicle, get smart and buy one which doesn’t rely upon fossil fuels regardless of all the billions in advertising dollars spent making you think that your sexual prowess is at stake. Buy wisely and even consider working close enough to your home to walk or bike to the office this year. Those emissions burn the eyes of innocent children, the delicate leaves of our trees, and provide for the conditions of cancer and environmental sensitivities in beautiful human bodies. You can keep so many people, plants, and animals healthier if you’ll walk to work.

You can pledge your commitment to a healthy Planet by changing the sourcing of your energy needs and buy from a green company which generates power from wind, hydro, or geothermal…clean choices and more cost-effective than you realize until you do your research.

Better yet…get off the Grid altogether. We can help you accomplish this task and then you can help your neighbors to do this as well. Your grandchildren depend upon all of us to do this!

Then…tweet that you have changed your lifestyle to be sustainable, encourage others to do the same, and pay it forward with your knowledge, expertise, money, and assistance in every way imaginable. Be Creative!

There is this big Copenhagen Convention on Climate Change and the only way that whatever issues are discussed during this meeting matter is that you as an individual do something different.

Government representatives cannot do it for you or for me, it is a way of living, not a written treaty that is going to save this planet’s ecosystems and afford life on earth to continue. I oppose the treaty as it is currently in draft form, simply due to the language and implications that money from wealthy nations be given to undeveloped nations. Not on my watch! Redistribution of wealth will not guarantee that people change.

People must change. You must change. I have been changing and I am well on my way to total self-sufficiency. No treaty is going to make a difference in the way I live my life better. My knowledge and my love of life is the reason that I change. Those attempting to get signatures on the ridiculous treaty are manipulators, not those with a true and lasting solution and no treaty should be allowed to come from this Copenhagen meeting or else it will be a travesty for a financial windfall disguised as a diplomatic accomplishment – please don’t be fooled and don’t give away our Sovereignty.

Empower the individual. Encourage the individual to change and live sustainably. Be that person…

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