Who’s Capable of Feeding the World Healthy Food?
If you have ever found yourself in a new city while traveling or moved to a new location without having any idea of the landscape before you make your transition; just how well do you manage when attempting to find healthy food for a day, a week, a lifetime?
It can be a really big deal to have access to high quality healthy foods, especially in areas that are not agricultural where nothing grows locally. How do we feed ourselves and how do those who grow the food feed the world?
One question often comes to mind for me. Who is able to grow enough healthy food to secure an adequate supply for their own families and their communities? How do we support growers?
Well, here is a way to engage in a conversation about such matters!
An Organic Conversation
Join in and listen to the discussion about who is capable of feeding the world that we want to live in. It’s an important conversation! One you do want to be involved in…
You can also ‘like’ these people on Facebook and follow their work with the sharing using Social Media…that’s how I found these fine people!
And if you are one of those growing and supplying our healthy food and making this world a wonderful place to be: We Salute You and All That You Do!