Free Health Ideas, Daily Health Tips, and the Optimal Healthy Lifestyle, BBC

Who Do You Believe?!?

Do you believe every word that is included in the slick copy of an advertisement for your common products seen on TV or in print Media?  You have been conditioned for years to respond to non-verbal stimuli!  You may well be easily manipulated or influenced by corporate giants to unconsciously prefer or buy specific brands which you’ve seen advertised at one time or with repeated exposure.  It often takes  ten or more exposures to establish a neural link in the brain in short-term memory.

Do you blindly buy any brand or do you discern between a number of manufacturers using specific criteria to drive your decision?

Do you seek out nutritional information on a given item?  Do you read the ingredient labels?  Do you have sufficient information to make an informed choice?  Do you know the difference between similar ingredients and how they are going to affect the body?

I certainly hope so!  If not…you will severely impact your health.  Corporations and the marketing firms they employ to make their brands memorable are in business to make a profit for their shareholders.  It is useful to learn which companies set themselves apart by contributing to charity and giving back to their communities.  Support these companies to encourage this behavior!

Do you contact companies to give them feedback on their products?  Do you take an active role in being a responsible consumer?

I certainly hope so!

Believe in yourself, believe that companies need to be responsive to your values, and believe that you can make a profound difference in the ways companies conduct their business by interacting with their staff.

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