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TheDoctorsTV: Arsenic and White Lace, Reduce Stress with an Amulet, and the Problems with Tap Water

I am going to say it yet again…do NOT drink tap water! Dr. Drew – this is for you. Unless you have installed a Tyent Water Filtration System in your entire home and office; the tap water has particulate and the bio-energetic signatures of drugs that will create imbalances in your body which impact your health.

TheDoctorsTV show discussed the health issues associated with Arsenic in drinking water. There were high amounts found in one area of the country and that area also demonstrated a larger incidence of certain diseases. The conclusion was made that the high levels of Arsenic might be responsible.

Are you more tired than usual? Does your hair fall out more than usual? Are you pale and listless? These are only a few of the signs of heavy metal poisoning. Arsenic does impact the health of the body until it is removed with either Chelation Therapy or the ingestion of Liquid Zeolite.

Dr. Travis mentioned Chelation Therapy, but did not go into any detail about the procedure. It is expensive and time-consuming. It is a challenge for many people to do, although it does result in better health.

Liquid Zeolite is affordable, easy to take every twelve hours, and effective in the detoxification of heavy metals and other toxic chemicals in the body. That’s my personal and professional preference for addressing Arsenic and other heavy metals.

Liquid Zeolite

The doctors talk about Stress and ways to reduce it, but they are not aware of the Amulet on a Pendent that does a very good job of eliminating Stress on the human body’s energy field and thus the physical organism.

Enhance Your Workout with the Performance Amulet

The Amulet is sold for improving Sports Performance. That’s accurate, and yet we like to recommend it for Stress in all of its forms. It is easy to wear and doesn’t require that you ingest any substance.

The CieAura Holographic Chips also will help improve your Sports Performance as well as eliminating Stress. These Chips stick to the body or your clothing and are one of the best solutions to many common health issues.

CieAura Holographic Chips

I watched many of the football games this season and I noticed that some of the Teams lost a lot of games due to injuries. If football players would use the Amulet and the CieAura Chips, they would recover much more rapidly from injuries. Furthermore, they would not be as likely to get injured in the first place due to the enhancement in performance. Just saying…

Regardless of whether you are a runner and get side pain or a professional athlete, you owe it to your body to take good care of it before, during, and after any sporting activity or work-out. Don’t wait it out to let time alone fix the pain. If you expect your body to perform at its peak, then support it with the Amulet and the CieAura Chips!

2 Responses to “TheDoctorsTV: Arsenic and White Lace, Reduce Stress with an Amulet, and the Problems with Tap Water”

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