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TheDoctorsTV and Repetitive Advice That Misses the Mark

This is going to be short and sweet. TheDoctorsTV aired what was supposed to be a new show, but it was a repetitive version of segments from previous episodes.

I have already discussed at length my thoughts in previous posts, so you can search for that information, but I do have one thing to mention.

Dr. Lisa had the part of the show where the doctors tout Ensure or something drug-related for you. Her comments and information fell ‘short of the mark’ today.

While it is true that fruit and vegetables will help you maintain a healthy Immune System, it is not usually enough to bolster immunity when you fly in the not-so-friendly skies… An airplane flight can expose you to filtered air and confined spaces with sick passengers that have little regard for the health of their fellow travelers.

You really need to strengthen your Wei-Chi with herbs and Essential Oils and Holographic Chips when you fly on commercial airlines.

One thing to take Note of: Never use petroleum jelly in your nose. There are many healthy alternative to petroleum-based products to choose from for maintaining the cellular integrity of the membranes in your nostrils.

As far as the doctors 52 New Year’s Resolutions figure into your plans for this year, you want to achieve Balance in all that you do…whether it is weight management, stopping smoking with e-cigarettes, or any other aspect of your healthy Lifestyle.

If you only last to June, then they are quick fixes that you really had no strong intention to keep for the rest of your Life. You want to make long-term lasting changes that lead you to living a healthy Lifestyle, not a temporary band-aid or short-lived drug solution. Genuine health and wellness are continuous and effortless…

But if you want to read about the potential Resolutions and see if any of them suit your mood; then here’s the URL for TheDoctorsTV website:

TheDoctorsTV 52 New Year’s Resolutions

Be true to yourself, do what you can, and accept your unlimited ability for change in its own time…

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