The Today Show and the HCGDiet: When Experts Think They Help the Audience and When to Continue to Do More Research
I turned on the TV early today, since I usually only watch TheDoctorsTV and Dr. Oz to give you juicy information on topics that the public is exposed to a regular basis by mainstream media. I caught a short segment on The Today Show about the HCGDiet.
It never ceases to amaze me that co-called experts think that they are helping the unsuspecting public by issuing strong statements about a health product or food. It happens all the time! I should be used to it by now, but I would heartily encourage you to perform more research before succumbing to their opinions and conclusions.
Ten minutes is simply not enough time to fully assess any topic, just as three or four minutes of discussion on a Blog is not enough to completely comprehend any subject adequately…
I do believe that these experts think that they are doing you a real service, to warn you about dangerous products and prepare you for failure. They think that they are doing you a favor. Perhaps you do, too. That’s fine with me. You are all entitled to your opinions and your personal experience to know for yourselves what the truth is for you on an individual basis. That’s the beauty of the Quantum Field…all things potentially. Your experience will be unique!
I have not used the HCGDiet, so I am not speaking about this from direct experience. I do have an opinion based upon testing and evaluation of thousands of health products and human bodies over the years…
I do have acquaintances who are promoting the company that these experts were referring to when discussing Dr. Simeons’ research and work on this subject. Here is their website with a video and some additional information.
The HCGDiet – Diet Information and Product Knowledge
The dietary guidelines are fairly standard and reasonable, but the caloric target of a ‘500 calorie high protein a day’ protocol might be very difficult for most overweight people to maintain without a great deal of discipline.
The HCGDiet’s product is a homeopathic formulation. It uses frequency information to stimulate the body’s own ability to change. It is vastly different that the HCG injections of the synthetic hormone.
I am not a proponent of synthetic hormones nor of homeopathic hormone manipulation. I feel that there are better methods for providing the human body with the information and the nutrients necessary for lasting change with a healthy Lifestyle. Most diets do not produce lasting results, only temporary fixes.
I do use homeopathics and I do use herbal formulations to support the body in restoring Balance. Whole Foods are a key to any lifetime change in weight management. A Raw Foods and Whole Foods dietary regimen that is based upon Wellness will result in reaching your ideal weight and body size over time. It’s a process…a gentle and enduring process.
I thought that the man’s admonishment that the HCGDiet would kill people was irresponsible. I also agree with both experts that 500 calories a day will not cover the basic nutritional requirements for a healthy human being. There is some middle ground, but I cannot find much more than to be aware of your body and to pay attention to how your body is functioning, if you decide to proceed to try this diet.
I have seen excellent results for people using Vital 18 without any deprivation for more than a decade. If you insist upon doing a diet, then at least combine it with Vital 18, so you know that your body is getting all of the needed amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and co-factors necessary for daily survival.
If you want to regulate your body’s production of hormones and your metabolic function in a healthy manner, then learn more about Raw Foods and Whole Foods by reading as many resources as possible until you feel confident in your own choices for your level of Wellness. Do your Due Diligence and be safe, sound, and healthy.
February 16th, 2011 at 7:02 am
Well said. I never thought I would likely agree with this thoughts and opinions, however I’m starting to view things from a various view. I have got to research more on that as it seems quite useful. One issue I don’t understand though is exactly how everything is connected together.
March 1st, 2011 at 4:13 pm
Why am I writing this?