The Lightness of Being and Eating Well for Christmas: Carry On a New Tradition Every Day From Today Forward
So many people stuff themselves for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner that they don’t enjoy the holiday, because their digestive system is stressed and they have indulged and overwhelmed their bodies in the process.
What would happen if you were to give yourselves the gift of “The Lightness of Being” and be gentle with your body, mind, and spirit every day beginning today? What if you could carry this treasure forward every day and find that you felt better and better?
It would be the best gift that keeps on giving ever…
When you make a conscious choice to eat well and lightly every day, your change in attitude is met with an improvement in your health.
Gone will be that feeling of ‘heaviness’ and engorgement.
Gone will be those frequent trips to the restroom.
Gone will be the extra pounds and the medical problems associated with the excesses of consuming processed food en masse.
Gone will be the risk factors of so many degenerative diseases and health complications that arise when you overdo the food and beverages on holidays and throughout the rest of the calendar year.
That “Lightness of Being” is an incredible and welcome feeling…
You find that you have more energy, more flexibility in all aspects of your Life. You feel as if you’ve been reborn, renewed, and rejuvenated…
Eat Well, be wise, and enjoy the “Lightness of Being” for the rest of your Life beginning today.