The Healthy Aspects of Hemp: Versativa and Hemp Rugs
Yes, there are many stories, legends, myths, and facts regarding the use of Hemp. Take your pick and pick out the information that might be useful for your health.
I particularly like two healthy uses for Hemp.
1) Hemp Seed
2) Hemp Rugs
You can get a great deal with natural Hemp Rugs on sale at Real Goods right now. Hemp is naturally mildew-resistant and it is softer than jute or sisel. Hemp is twice as strong as cotton, so that makes these Rugs extremely durable. They are dyed with natural coloring, so you will be protecting your health in your healthy home setting with these Rugs. They come in brick, green, or natural colors and are woven with totally organic hemp fibers.
Then there is Versativa! Versativa is a brand new company that will restore the integrity of the truth about Hemp by bringing hemp products to market. The company behind Versativa is ForeverGreen and they have continued to impress me for years with good products and a keen eye for new markets. Versativa is in the beginning stages and you can be a part of it from the starting point. There are a series of videos that explain the history and the value of Hemp which will be revealing and eye-opening for you. Watch and be astounded…
Versativa – Impact Nutritionals
Hemp products are varied from rope to paper to clothing to hemp oil. Hemp oil has many healthy uses, one of which is being included in Pulse. It is being utilized in a variety of health products and many companies are experimenting with hemp. It will be interesting to watch all of the emerging applications for this ancient material.
Hemp is not necessarily Cannabis Sativa which is also known as marijuana. While it is all classified as hemp, there are differences and this makes your perception so very important. If you dismiss Hemp as marijuana ONLY; then you are really missing the boat here!
Medical marijuana from one of the species of Hemp is in the News these days, but I haven’t spent much time looking at the newest industry for pain relief. I know that animals select marijuana plants in the wild to relieve pain, but it seems to make humans more oblivious than anything when they smoke or eat medical marijuana. Pain relief is one of the most immediate needs that people have to deal with when it comes to health care. Locations for medical marijuana seem to keep popping up all over the place with media coverage. I have seen responsible evidence for pain relief and the alleviation of nausea and lack of appetite for cancer patients. I am certain there’s more to come from this aspect of the use for hemp.
At least the people bringing you the hemp products at Versativa know their business and are restoring the good name of Hemp and making it commercially viable. Visit the Versativa website, watch the videos, get an idea about the history of Hemp, and get involved in its rebirth.
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