Lester Brown and the Journey to the Planet Earth
Last night I watched Lester Brown on the TV special program, “Journey to the Planet Earth”.
It was about living a ‘Sustainable Lifestyle” and having a light footprint on the planet in order to salvage Humanity in this time of transformation and change.
You may not think it fashionable yet to be on the leading edge of being GREEN in every aspect of your healthy Lifestyle, but the day is coming when that will be the only way to be truly alive and well.
What are you going to personally do about embracing a Lifestyle that is in harmony with Nature? The choices that you make in the next three days to three months will determine whether you live, die, or compromise your way of Life that exploits the balance of the natural world in favor of removing what would last a thousand years for a moment’s pleasure and extravagance.
You are going to be getting a ‘wake-up’ Call from Nature that will rock the very foundation of your world. You will question everything you held sacred and wonder if the sun will rise in the morning. You will have to decide to live in harmony with this planet or take the chance of losing your lives by ignoring the signs and this information.
Lester Brown has been talking for years to try to get the Power Elite to wake up to their responsibilities and yet they sleep…leaving you in the wake of a wave that will destroy billions of people in the twinkling of an eye. Let’s be specific…in a Pacific Rim eye. It’s coming and nothing can stand in the way of this wave that will devastate the places where the rich have lived beyond their means with total disregard for the good earth and the ecosystems.
You can thrive and be well when you live in harmony and live honorably in sustainable ways upon this land. When you plant the seeds from the fruits and vegetables and grains that you eat with a humble and healthy diet, when you listen to the voice within you, when you assist in the transformation into a GREEN planetary body of intelligent humans.