Jones Soda Office On the Move: Stop By On Fridays for a Free Bottle of Healthy Soda
This is not the first move for Jones Soda company, but it may be the best yet…
Jones Soda is moving it’s corporate offices to a different location in Seattle after coming from Vancouver, BC and then moving to South Lake Union in 2000.
Jones will be relocating close to Safeco and Century Link Stadiums in Pioneer Square which is an icon for the Seattle landscape.
This area has a lot of foot traffic on their way to games and events as well as daily shopping excursions in Pioneer Square. Century Link Stadium is newly-named after being Qwest Field for a long time. My, how things change around here…
The company is going to continue the tradition of giving people a free bottle of Jones Soda when they stop by their Office on Fridays, so you can swig down one of their healthy sodas on your way to one of the stadiums or while you shop.
Jones Soda has quite a few healthy soda beverages and juice blends to choose from for a better experience and a unique difference in the world of soda pop. You can also create your own labels with your own designs when you order from the company.
While Jones Soda is known for their funky and colorful fizzy drinks, they have also embraced the healthy soda challenge and they rate first class in our world! When you visit their website or stop by their new digs, you’ll see what we are talking about…
There will be ‘tasting stations’ outside the new corporate Offices in Pioneer Square where you can grab a bottle of soda to try out the flavors and the fizz. It’s free and it’s a wonderful corporate wellness policy.
Just head on over to Pioneer Square and look for the Palmer Court Building on 1000 First Avenue South. Tell them that “Lynn says ‘hi’ guys and suggests the healthy Sodas for a taste test!”
Seeking Sports Fans, Jones Soda article
While they have retired the juice beverages and some of the tea blends, they continue to offer the pure sugar cane selections as well as the ‘ziltch’ which are sugar free.