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Inflammation: The Silent But Deadly Scourge of the Earth

If you happen to live in a physical body, then you are at risk of having to deal with ‘inflammation’. It so often goes with the territory. Have you met any cobras lately that are better at feeling the effects of pain rather than inflicting pain? What a quandary!

Inflammation is more prevalent than most people realize and it is responsible for a lot of pain, discomfort, and serving as a gateway for more challenging conditions that become named as disease processes.

The scourge of the earth: Inflammation

It is relentless. It is too common. It is present in most conditions that smack of infection, irritation, and antagonizing overstimulation of the tissue of any organ or system within the human body.

There’s no one solution for inflammation that doctors have in their black bag of tricks…

I have to tell you that there is one new product on the market that incorporates the science and historical application behind cobra venom – yes, you heard me correctly – which substantially addresses different types of pain. You’ll never know just how effective it is for you until you give a good old try!

Cobra Venom Blend for Relief: Nyloxin ProductsI

You’ll have to weigh in on Nyloxin after you’ve used it, it’s new to me, too. But I have heard of many cases in India and Asia that responded well to the use of cobra venom. Now, with Nyloxin, you have the best of both worlds. You have nothing to lose, except the pain.

I do have experience with many great products which quell the pain. I am not going to go into a lot of detail right now.

But one thing always comes to mind, my mind, when I want to help someone reduce any pain or discomfort that is caused by an inflammatory process in their bodies. CieAura Pain Relief

CieAura Pain Relief

These Holographic Chips are so easy to use, you would think that everyone would be sticking them on their bodies and their clothing. As long as you get the point where the ‘bio-energetic’ factor responsible for the pain can be managed and changed by the placement of the Chip; you’ll do just fine.

They last quite some time before needing to be replaced or repositioned. They work quickly, so there’s no other explanation for experiencing immediate relief. Relief is welcome and in this case – it is delivered rapidly!

Sure there are whole foods and nutritional supplements as well as Essential Oils that deal with inflammation. But they often take more time, as in days, weeks, or years. Who wants to wait that long? That’s one great reason that the Chips are high on my List of choices for inflammation.

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