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Healthy Halloween Ideas for Small Goulies and Big Pumpkins

Many people both young and old indulge in tons of candy during Halloween and it puts a dent in your metabolic well-being.

There are things that you can do for the little ones who consume more than their small bodies can easily convert to usable calories. Most of the Halloween Treats are laden with refined sugar, artificial preservatives, and coloring agents that are toxic to the human body. Headaches, upset tummies, and stressed adrenals often result within hours and feelings of ickiness linger for a day or two…or at least as long as the stash lasts.

Here are some tips for parents who have to listen to the miserable complaints of their costumed charges after inhaling twelve candy bars, sixty bags of jelly worms, and even those crazy candy corns that people keep buying every year since forever just because they are on the shelf of the store. Peppermint Tea with honey or blue agave will settle the tummy and assist in breaking down the refined sugars. Hot lemonade with grated ginger will soothe the headaches and help to metabolize the saturated fats that are found in so many treats. Miso soup with green scallions and tofu will soften the blow to the digestive system. Foods rich in chromium, zinc, and B vitamins will make the process of carbohydrate metabolism go smoothly.

Give the children and the adults some organic fresh fruit like apples, oranges, grapefruit, and tangerines for the next week. Nibble on organic nuts and some toasted pumpkin seeds instead of reaching for the last of the garbage in the brightly-colored wrappers. Pulse with organic berries is a good alternative at this time and will deliver the nutrients that are needed to handle those candy-encrusted kids. Turkey, chicken, and tofu will provide the protein the body uses to metabolize the carbs from the sugar in the snacks.

If the tummies continue to grumble, gurgle, and cringe; then keep stews, soups, and chili on hand until all is quiet and the only rumbling is from the impending snow storms in the mountains.

Adults who make a grab for the kid’s candy collection can fast with organic brown rice for a day. You can make an amasake pudding or a pudding with kudzu root powder to quell any of your inner rumblings.

Go gently into this good night!

If at all possible, give out organic chocolate from Fair Trade organizations, healthy treats from your local health food stores and co-ops, and home-made goodies from natural ingredients from your own kitchen instead of that tricky treat that is unsafe, unhealthy, and under-rated in taste, texture, and temptation!

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