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Dr. Travis Spills the Beans About Sugar: All Sweeteners Are Not the Same

It was virtually the last topic of the day of this episode of TheDoctorsTV, but at least Dr. Travis said it!

He explained how different sugars and sweeteners are different and how the body’s health is affected by high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar.


We wait for moments like these…

When doctors realize the harm that sugar and refined carbohydrates do to the human body and tell you to avoid these processed sweeteners, it is a milestone in the advancement in Western Medicine.

It takes a long time for many physicians and individuals to come to this realization. Eventually, they figure out that not all sweeteners are created equal. Speaking of Equal and sugar substitutes, they are even worse for the human brain and body than refined sugar or fructose.

It is getting to be more of a health hazard as GMO crops of corn are turned into high fructose corn syrup and hidden in many processed foods. You have no idea what strange DNA is in those crops that are experimental disasters for the human race. You can’t trust Monsanto or agricultural growers who use these agents to alter the genetics of a plant without adequate research using longitudinal studies properly…

Your only hope for maintaining a healthy Lifestyle when it comes to sweeteners is to use organic cane sugar, honey, stevia, date sugar, blue agave syrup, maple syrup, and other natural sweeteners with your food and beverages. They are wonderful and you won’t be disappointed.

You can adapt any recipe with relative ease and perform taste tests that will convince you that going organic and all-natural with sweeteners is the ‘only sane way to go’. I haven’t consumed refined sweeteners in more than forty years! I have never felt deprived and I have found flavor in foods that far exceed that old attempt to make food sweeter with refined sugar.

Thanks go out to Dr. Travis Stork and other doctors on this program as well as many other physicians who are waking up to the facts about refined sugars and human health.

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