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Dr. Oz Should Know Better Than to Suggest Sugar and Salt in Water Following a WorkOut

I could hardly believe that I heard Dr. Oz say this! It truly surprised me and I think he should be more careful when he makes statements like this one!

Dr. Oz said that instead of drinking a sports drink following a workout, it would be just as good to take water, add sugar and salt and drink it down. Has he gone crazy? Too much Green Tea beginning to affect his cognition?

Tap water, refined sugar, and commercial salt…what a horrific combination! I would never…

Purified water…fine. OK…that will help to hydrate the body following perspiration after a good workout.

Electrolytes…fine. OK…sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are needed following a workout to replace the minerals that muscles use to contract and release during exercise. But not from commercial salt! That’s utterly irresponsible!

If you want to replace electrolytes; then there are sports drinks and fizzy drinks like Emergen-C that serves the purpose much better than salt.

Complex carbohydrates…possibly. But not refined white sugar! If you are working out to the point of exhaustion and you need a sugar rush; then re-think your workout and go a little easier on your body. Something with some simple carbs or complex carbs like honey or a piece of fruit or juice is far superior for this purpose. Even a granola bar or a whole grain cookie will do more for your recovery than refined white sugar!

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You can do yourself a real favor and quench your thirst with Yogic Chai that you can brew at home and bring with you in a thermos to refresh your body following a workout of any type…whether it’s yoga or basketball or lifting weights or jazzercize!

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