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Dr. Oz Interviews Dr. Joe Mercola Again: More Revelations for Physicians and Patients

Hocus Pocus? VooDoo Medicine? Natural and safe cures and treatments? Dr. Oz talked with Dr. Mercola about some radical cures that the is foreign to physicians.

Dr. Oz and Dr. Joe Mercola

Medical doctors trained in most medical schools are limited in the scope of their training and have no idea about the cutting-edge and ancient therapeutic methods that are natural and work.

Such is the tragedy of the medical community which teaches physicians to use dangerous and toxic drugs, instead of learning about healthy natural methods of healing.

You as a patient are given the responsibility to track down a caring healthcare provider who has made the personal effort to educate themselves in ancient traditions and current discoveries and treatments.

I have trained medical doctors in Lifestyle Therapy in decades past. Most of them had patients that they could not help who came to see me with spectacular results and the patients wanted the doctors to know the truth. Those who took the training were true healers, not just licensed physicians in the system.

That’s why the FDA and other MDs worry about Dr. Joseph Mercola. He insists on bringing the best of both worlds to bear in his practice.

The eggplant extract – Curaderm – for skin lesions and skin cancer. The use of chlorella, cilantro, or parsley to detox from mercury exposure. Even the use of spices for healing and supporting the systems of the body have been discussed by Mercola. While these are not uniquely his original ideas, he does share them.

As we speak the nefarious sectors of the medical community and drug companies are trying to figure out how to control and regulate the nutritional supplements industry and other types of methods outside the current regulatory purview. But there are doctors like Oz and Mercola who saw the writing on the wall, because their patients got smart and demanded it.

You still have to watch them like a hawk, they tend to prescribe supplements like they used to prescribe drugs. That’s a bad habit…

For instance, today Dr. Oz said that he loves white bean extract, but why doesn’t he love white bean dishes just as much? He loves Krill Oil, but how much fish does he eat and how often does he eat sea vegetables? He tells you about Rhodiola one day for your brain and then another today when some Peppermint Tea or a drop of the Essential Oil of peppermint would be better. He recommends products for memory, instead of using his mind to accomplish this! He pushes pills endlessly…

Now he is trying to convince you to buy cheap commercial cosmetics and soaps at drug stores. Don’t fall for that non-sense. Go to the top salons and get a good haircut, instead of slathering cheap crap and using sunscreen or static sheets on your hair! Go to the Whole Foods markets and find effective cosmetics for a fair price on their shelves.

He blows on his razor, he relies on dermatologists that don’t think outside their box, and he tries to save you money, instead of pointing you in the right direction for your health.

Oh, well…eventually his patients will clue him in!

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