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Dr. Oz Discusses When Sex Kills: Strutting for Safe Sex, Eating After Sex, and Helping the Heart Heat Up for the Big O

I was surprised by the title of this episode of the Doctor Oz show today: “When Sex Kills”.

Dr. Oz is such a proponent of having sex virtually every day when he discusses this topic on past shows, but today he talked about the dangers of death when sex takes the last pleasure from your throbbing body under certain circumstances.

First, he and his two female experts detailed the health risks that both men and women face when they have underlying heart problems, circulatory problems, stress, and emotional imbalances that are exacerbated during sexual activity. One expert said that sex was an ‘equal opportunity killer’. What a label to put on sex!

She meant to say that people from every walk of life are at risk when they have sex, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, or age. But that’s a broad statement that needs further qualification. Suffice it to say that doctors have taken a new low road to put fear into the audience about a beautiful act expressing love and have turned into a sporting event.

Sex, in and of itself, is not exercise, nor is it to be viewed as a sporting event. This is what the media wants to brand sexual expression in our culture with to sell the sizzle while leaving the meat out of the equation. Healthy sexual activity and intimacy in a loving relationship is a wonderful and health-enhancing aspect of a healthy Lifestyle.

The experts did discuss the risk factors that are actually the real reason for many deaths while engaged in sex. If you stress your heart which is already pressured to perform under extreme conditions in an unhealthy body, then who would be surprised that you would push your heart over the edge during sex with increased blood flow, circulation, and stimulation of the whole body which the heart has to support in the throes of passion. If you are overweight, under conditioned with laziness, and have no energy for normal functioning of your body; then you put yourself in harm’s way when you jump into the sack for an exciting few minutes of acrobatics.

It’s better to start taking short walks with your beloved to build up your endurance by strutting down the sidewalk in Nature to improve your metabolic functioning and ability to stimulate your body’s ability to be responsive without collapse during sex. You don’t have to prove your prowess by putting yourself at risk when you can regain your regal stature with gentle methods of strengthening your body. It’s better to look deep into your partner’s eyes and love them without physical exertion than it is to die in their arms trying to show off beyond your capacity for creating passion.

It’s more than cholesterol, it’s more than heart problems, it’s more than elevated blood pressure when it comes to risk factors that prohibit sex without compromise. The human body becomes deficient when you don’t take good care of it with whole foods, herbs, and loving care every day. You have to regenerate those deficiencies before restoring your youthful sexual behavior. Your life and the quality of Life depends upon this: taking the road to Wellness day by day with a healthy Lifestyle.

Smoking is one of the things that Dr. Oz talked about as a risk factor. I thought it was short-sighted of the doctor and his expert to suggest that one should not smoke two hours before engaging in sex. You’ve got to be kidding! It’s a habit. While we see cultural examples of people smoking after sex, it’s simply time to quit this unhealthy habitual behavior altogether unless you smoke organic tobacco in a pipe. The only thing that should be smoking is that fire in the fireplace that sets the romantic mood for lovers. Smoking reduces oxygenation in the blood and that presents a number of health problems, including the challenge of sexual performance when your body is oxygen-starved and deprived of energy.

The Big O is not the only goal of intimacy, but it is the natural outcome of a loving expression between partners who care enough about one another to take good care of the way they show their feelings by tempering the tantric sexual encounter to balanced displays of affection. You can heat up your head and body without compromising your health, if you will only take the time to become knowledgeable about the wise ways of the ancients who excelled in this through moving the energy of the body from the First Seal to the Fourth.

If you eat whole foods, use Essential Oils and natural supplements to nourish the body, and enjoy a healthy Lifestyle; then you can and will continue to find sex turning into love-making that keeps extending your length of Life while improving your ability to demonstrate authentic feelings for and with your partner and yourself. It’s an integrated aspect of a healthy Lifestyle.

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