Dr. Oz and Three Shopping Experts: The Redemption of Lisa Lynn
Lisa Lynn was among the three guests on Dr. Oz today to give shopping tips. She redeemed herself in my eyes when she mentioned eating real whole grains.
The other two experts offered their suggestions and Dr. Oz seemed to appreciate everyone’s contributions.
I cannot agree with Big Daddy about the chips and pretzels! He’s big on beef and other red meats, too, and he’s not the exemplary model of health that the two women more closely approximate.
Dr. Oz and Three Shopping Experts
One person made a horrific error when she suggested buying grass-finished beef. She did also include grass-fed beef, but it’s not enough to only finish the growth cycle with pasture grass! Big flaw there!
They didn’t mention which stores to shop at…that comes later. They did explain the value of baby Greens and stressed convenience over skill.
Do they know how easy it is to google recipes for Greens these days? Macrobiotic cooks prepare the best tasting Greens in my book.
Eventually Dr. Oz and his experts will shop at Whole Foods Markets, local Food Coops, and talk about CSAs. At some point, Dr. Oz could even have people on his show that actually grow their own food. Has he heard of them? They are called gardeners and ranchers and farmers.
Martha Stewart is light years ahead of these experts. Redemption for her came several years ago!
At least Lisa Lynn wasn’t trying to get you to shop for amino acids at the pharmacy in your grocery store. She’s back in my good graces after today.