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Dr. Oz and Those Pesky Five Dietary Mistakes: Gain Weight, Lose Your Health, or Live Well

Dr. Oz and his guest expert discussed some of the ways people make mistakes which cause them to gain weight on today’s show.

While some of the information was suitable, a lot of the points were irrelevant. Pointing out that there is a difference of three calories between a regular packaged cookie and a cookie that is labeled ‘low-fat’ is overly simplistic when it comes to your weight management.

Dr. Oz and Five Diet Mistakes That Make You Fat

Although the point of explaining that there is a difference between processed foods and whole foods when it comes to fat content was appropriate. The milk, the cheese, and the other whole foods that are known to be full of excess fat is something that you can sort through, while the labels that promise you that a processed food is ‘low-fat’ is usually misleading and leads to inappropriate behavioral choices.

Labels are often designed to be misleading, so you have to simply give up on processed foods and choose whole foods instead. False information is a travesty in the food industry and these companies of processed foods have a lot to answer for when they attempt to mislead the consumer who blindly trusts them.

Your willpower is an important tool for you to use when you eat with other people in social settings. Whether it is your immediate family or a larger social group, it is still up to you to manage your portions, your choices, and your willingness not to compromise your health regardless of what anyone else decides to do. In fact, you can be a role model for wise choices when eating at a restaurant, at a social function, or any gathering where there is food.

It’s silly to discuss eating stuff out of the box and devouring it until the package is empty. It’s silly to eat while you are on the computer or doing other tasks, because you lose your focus and have no control at a conscious level of accountability to your health. These are obvious mistakes.

You have to watch out for artificial sweeteners and other major mistakes that can have profound ramifications for your health and your weight. There are more than these five that Dr. Oz points out today, but at least you can think about them for the time being. Ultimately, it is your self-control and personal management of your behavior that will assure you of a healthy Lifestyle.

Honey, molasses, date sugar, blue agave syrup, brown rice syrup, and many other natural sweeteners are readily available for you online or at your local Whole Foods Markets. There are really no excuses on this topic! You have to avoid and eliminate refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners at all cost to preserve your health!

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