Dr. Oz and Summer Teas for Boosting Metabolism and Weight Loss
In the doctor’s effort to get women’s bodirs ready for summer and the swimsuit, he talked about the power of Tea today.
He brewed up four different combinations of tea, fruit, and spices. The audience member gave each of them the taste test and she preferred the Green Tea with fresh Ginger Root. We would normally add Lemon Juice to that, too, to make it both refreshing and healthful.
She tried the White Tea with fresh slices of Pears, the Oolong Tea with Cinnamon sticks, and the Yerba Mate Tea with grapefruit segments.
Believe it or not, Doctor Oz is trying to re-invent the wheel. Teas have been combined with delightful ingredients for as long as anyone can remember. Although, that pitcher with the inner glass tube to separate the solids is a good tool in the brewing process.
Most specialty tea companies will offer some fantastic custom blends! This takes care of one step in the art of making a memorable and healthy cup of Tea.
I do not recommend iced drinks, but rather those served at room temperature. If you must, make an ice cube of juice or herbal tea to use. You shock the body with beverages or foods that are too hot or too cold.
Tea for tea’s sake is reason enough to drink it. It is a healthy beverage when taken without sugar or cream.
Tea will have an effect on the body’s metabolism, but it is not to be confused as a weight loss product.
Savor summer tea for the health of it!