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Dr. Oz and Rachael Ray: Turning Disasterous Dinners Into Palatable Meals for the Holidays and Beyond

Dr. Oz invited Rachael Ray to join him on today’s show and share methods that are fool-proof for doctors and people who rarely find themselves in a kitchen.

Dr. Oz and Rachael Ray’s Dinner for the Holidays

Rachael was not kind to the audience members who showed off their disasters and requested help for the Holidays. She couldn’t believe that Dr. Oz would even taste the latkes… That roasted chunk of meat resembled a stone in a river! The woman who makes soggy vegetables has never heard of a collander or straining food to extract the excess liquid it is cooked in for those with common sense in the kitchen.

This situation really does underscore the deplorable lack of food preparation skills that several generations of Americans must change in order to live a healthy Lifestyle. People have lost their knowledge and ability to cook food! They are strangers to their own kitchens and too friendly with restaurants or fast food joints.

If Americans are going to regain their health, they need to get back into their kitchens and learn a few food preparation techniques to make healthy food to put on their tables. Rachael and the others at the Food Network can help you with that! Rachael kept Dr. Oz on track and scolded him about portion control.

Rachael included the lonely parsnip into her potato pancakes with grated onion and her other dishes. She helped one woman learn how to take her overly-cooked vegetables and turn them into soup using a roux with cheddar cheese. You can find some fairly easy recipes on the Food Network from Rachael or watch her prepare food on TV on both of their channels. She is a pasta person…

I have to commend Dr. Oz for bringing some cooks and chefs to the show these days. This will ultimately do more for Americans to become healthy again than any other single thing doctors can pull out of their black bag! If people don’t know about their family’s health history and how to balance their bodies with whole foods, then they are going to be stuck in that cycle of sickness and disease. Doctors need to help people become proficient in their kitchens.

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