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Dr. Oz and Montel Williams: Suicide or Suffering – Is It An Individual’s Right to Choose?

Dr. Oz and Montel Williams tackled one of the most intense questions in medicine and facing any individual who has considered ending his life.

Is it a person’s right to commit suicide? Is it a person’s right to end one’s life?

Dr. Oz and Montel Williams on Suicide and the Right to Die

Montel says that it is and he is not alone. The women who have been suffering for 8 years and can only speak said that she would end her life, because it’s no longer worth living.

The State and the doctor has no authority. The authority rests with the individual. It’s the right of Free Will given to one and all. No one should have the power to determine what another person does or doesn’t do in this matter or any other matter. That’s what true ‘Sovereignty’ is. Sovereignty rests with the individual.

How dare a doctor ‘play God’ with another human being’s life! No license qualifies a man to interfere in anther man’s choice. If the medical doctor decides not to treat or assist a patient who wishes to end his life, then he has the freedom and the responsibility to terminate the care of that person.

That fellow who told Montel that he is making his ‘job harder’ needs to be challenged in his belief system. He needs to honor the freedom of others to make their own decisions, instead of appointing himself the lawgiver. Some regulatory agency should take his license to practice medicine away for his violation of another’s Free Will with his need to control the life of that other individual. He’s an egotistical fool.

Suffering and pain do not a life make…

Prolonging life is not necessarily the merciful or appropriate thing to do. I am going to tell you this right now. Life after Death is pain-free and the Consciousness of the individual will survive Death and be free from suffering and pain. No doctor on earth has sufficient knowledge nor experience to contest this. I have been out of my body and know thousands of other cases where people have left their bodies. There are seven levels of existence and in this realm of spirituality, the power to live and die is solely the individual’s decision. Religion has no authority here. The spiritual choice of each individual reigns supreme and needs to be honored and respected regardless of one’s personal belief systems.

The medical community has the DNR order for those who do not wish for intervention to force them to have vital signs with equipment when their heart fails or their lungs cease to function or when the brain no longer is actively controlling any other part of the body on their own. People who go into Hospice are treated with respect as they die in an environment where they can be cared for by others. It’s a personal choice in each and every case.

It was suggested that you have a proxy before it becomes necessary for others to make an arbitrary decision for you due to your incapacitation to follow your instructions and final wishes. It may one of the more interesting discussions you will have with someone close to you. This can avoid a lot of paperwork, debates, pain, and confusion. When a relative is put into a difficult position to make these choices for their family member, it can be extremely challenging for the family and the medical staff.

The bottom line here is that each individual has the Free Will to determine to continue to live or to decide to die. If everything within the toolkit of the doctors has been done, then it’s even more important for the individual to make this choice which will determine the course of care.

Remember, Death is not the end. There is nothing to fear after the Soul leaves the body. You exist, you will continue to exist, and you will have your Life Review before you walk into the next chapter in your Book of Life. Only you can do this, no one will accompany you or do it for you.

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