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Dr. Oz and His First Endorsements: Oz-Approved and Tested Products Discussed for the First Time

In the past, Dr. Oz has made a big deal out of not endorsing any product. But today he spent the entire hour discussing what he has tested and is ‘Dr. Oz Approved’ for his audience.

I am going to cover these things over the course of several days, so be patient. First let’s talk about the substance that Dr. Oz thinks is new…

Dr. Oz Approved Products and Medical Tips on Today’s Show

Dr. Oz is really out of his element when he thinks that America is unfamiliar with Moxibustion. This method of treatment using Mugwort is an integrated part of TCM and is thousands of years old…well-known in the East and among millions of people in the West.

Dr. Oz believes that Moxa is used only for Back Pain, but there are many applications for this substance in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Good Lord, the first thing I ever learned to do in one of my first year Acupuncture School classes was to practice rolling Moxa with my fingers into a cone.

If you want to benefit from treatments using Moxa externally, then visit your local Acupuncturist to get a professional who knows more about Moxibustion than Dr. Oz. You can also eat Mugwort Mochi which is made from sweet brown rice as either a savory or a sweet dessert or side dish. A tea can be made from Mugwort and splashed over the body. Korean Spas use this technique.

Then Dr. Oz moved on to Rhodiola Rosea. This Adaptogen was heavily researched by the Russians for use in athletic performance and Rhodiola has been used in herbal formulations in TCM for thousands of years. Rhodiola is rarely even used alone, so Dr. Oz needs to get a grip on his recommendation. If you are going to include Rhodiola in your Wellness Plan, then the best way to introduce it into your body is by drinking BrainTONIQ, instead of drowning yourself with shots of herbal-infused vodka!


Rhodiola is not a ‘party’ drink as Dr. Oz suggested… He is entering that zone where physicians think that they know it all when they are novices in Wellness and Holistic Health Care. By telling his audience to soak this Adaptogen in vodka for 24 hours and taking a shot, he is showing his ignorance and irresponsibility when it comes to the proper application of Adaptogens. I would hope that he would clarify this in a future show and apologize for his confusion and ineptitude.

I will continue to bring you more information about this episode tomorrow. You really need more than what Dr. Oz has given you! He’s already fallen below the mark of professional conduct…

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