Dr. Oz and Cancer-Fighting Foods: Seafood, Tropical Fruit, and Healthy Nuts
Dr. Oz and his expert on cancer research are describing some foods that are supposed to be considered to fight cancer in the human body.
Dr. Oz and Quiz About Foods to Keep You Cancer-Free
Among the foods named on today’s show are cashews, papaya, and shrimp. While most of us would point you in the direction of seafood like salmon, sardines, and other fatty fish; you can also benefit from flaxseed oil, krill oil, and fish oils like the orange pudding-like Coromega which you will find in natural foods stores. You can get the best flaxseed oil from Barlean’s and the best Krill Oil capsules from VitalChoice.
In addition to cashews, other organic nuts are going to contribute nutrients and other co-factors to keep you free from cancer-causing agents. Almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pecans are all healthy nuts to nibble on for snacks or for adding to any dish. You can even make a milk from these nuts.
Papaya is not the only tropical fruit that we feel strongly about in the waging of the good fight to prevent cancer. We have found that the enzymes in papaya and pineapple play a key role in digesting your food and maintaining the integrity of the cells in your body. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruit, limes, tangerines, and mandarins are all good choices that keep the levels of vitamin C and other nutrients in your body when you want to keep cancer at bay.
Beets and other root vegetables seem to reduce instances of certain types of cancer. But you can’t just take your beets out of the can and expect them to work wonders for you. You must eat organic fresh beets and beet greens from the garden at their peak during harvest time. It’s fine to pickle them for the rest of the year, but they are at their best when fresh.
Dr. Oz reminded people that coffee has been recently shown through research to help prevent cancer, but in our opinion…it has to be organic coffee that was recently roasted and ground to be of benefit directly. You should not use refined sugar or dairy to flavor your coffee, but if you have to sweeten it; then use a natural organic sweetener and almond milk or soymilk.
Fresh air is not a food, but it is a part of the healthy Lifestyle that is necessary for living free from cancer. If you live in a city with air pollution or drive a car often, then you might need to move. The Dr. Oz recommendation to filter tap water is incorrect. Do not ingest tap water for any reason whatsoever. Fresh and pure water is equally significant if you intend to stay healthy. Your entire environment and the whole foods that you eat are of paramount importance.
Sweet potatoes and other root vegetables are great foods to include in your healthy diet to keep you from developing any cancer in your body. We cannot stress the relative importance of sea vegetables, including kombu, wakame, hiziki, and nori among others to provide the nutrients to maintain wellness.
There are dozens of whole foods that contribute to keeping the human body free of cancer, but a healthy Lifestyle is of paramount importance. Dr. Oz and his guest expert mentioned that when you smoke or if you are obese, you are placing yourself at greater risk for cancer. Yes, it makes a world of difference when you are at your ideal weight, smoke only organic tobacco from a pipe, and engage in activities that bring Balance to Body, Mind, and Spirit. Your attitude plays a pivotal role in being free of cancer. You must love yourself, love your Life, harbor no emotional thoughts of worry, loss, or self-destructive behavior. Then your body will bestow upon you genuine health and well-being with every cell being in harmony with your beautiful way of living Life every day.