DoctorsTV and Oz: Healthy Herbal Teas for Vision
The doctors are always discussing their fascination for Green Tea and Dr. Oz shares the same enchanting appreciation for this life-enhancing brew which benefits many organs and systems in the human body.
We also love Green Tea!
However, there’s more to healthy herbal teas than meets the eye for green. It’s important to get a variety of herbal teas into your regular tea time.
One of our favorites is Chamomile. It will relax the nervous system and help to maintain the fluid metabolism, especially for the skin and scalp. Blue Chamomile has been known to soothe the dry scalp for many centuries whether as a liquid libation or in the form of an Essential Oil.
Chamomile is an excellent choice in the early or late evening when you don’t want the buzz from caffeine or stimulating herbals. A little honey or stevia and you’ll be in seventh heaven.
Another herbal tea that is on our radar for improving one’s vision and the capillaries in the entire body is Chrysanthemum tea. It can be bitter if you steep it too long, so be careful with its preparation time. You can enhance the nutritional value with some honey and lemon juice. Some people also take it with some pearl powder dissolved into the tea. This will support the regeneration of the tissue of the eyes. If you drink this herbal tea regularly for several years, you just may be able to put aside your glasses and see clearly for a change. Your night vision could be the first to benefit and this comes in handy when driving a vehicle…not only for you, but also for the other people on the road.
You can find the herbal teas and great Green Tea among others at this website while also shopping for steepware. This makes all the difference in the world. Try it…you’ll like it.
Your tea experience is one part of a healthy Lifestyle. Go Green and enjoy your herbals with every sip!