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Disinformation and the Blame Game is Unethical in the Disneyland Measles Aftermath

I am embarrassed for the reporter who wrote this article about blaming people who are well-informed and refuse to vaccinate their children or themselves against the flu or the measles which are both easily treatable conditions. The ‘Blame Game’ is unethical, especially when it comes with faulty logic. If the children who went to Disneyland had their immunizations for the measles, they wouldn’t be contracting it; wouldn’t they? The parents of the children who are not immunized know the risk and are willing to be with their children for a week or two while they weather the measles or the flu. By the way, no one has died of the 22 children who contracted the measles and every child is fine; so don’t believe the hype. There are far too many instances of adverse reactions from vaccines to trust them implicitly. It is advisable to make informed decisions based upon real science, not an interpretation of someone’s opinion that vaccines are safe. They are not. There are significant risks that are disclosed by the authorities and any ethical physician.

Blame Disneyland Measles Outbreak on Anti-Science Stubbornness article

I am not inclined to support the administration of any vaccine, because I have seen many adverse reactions which have long-term consequences with damage to the CNS and the Immune System. I am disappointed that so few doctors and parents perform their own Due Diligence to understand the actual risks of the vaccine for HPV which has resulted in paralysis and other harmful conditions. I would never subject my daughter or son to this vaccine after studying the risks and the documented reports to the CDC of substantiated adverse reactions. I think it is irresponsible for a reporter who is not trained in scientific disciplines or a physician who is practicing in an unethical manner by choosing not to disclose the risks to promote the use of vaccines.

In fact, you may find that this reporter among others have confused the issues and haven’t done their research when writing an incomplete and inaccurate article. As evidence of this, I want to submit another article that addresses this specifically to enlighten you of the real statistics and facts in the case of measles and vaccination rates:

Data Reveals Measles Outbreak Have Nothing to Do with Non-Vaccination Trends

The reporter glossed over the fact that getting an vaccination doesn’t guarantee immunity against the disease. For example, this year’s flu vaccine is ineffective against the most prevalent strain of the flu right now. Everyone who got that shot thinks that they are invincible and that is not the case. This effort at disinformation is unethical and misguided. In fact, the suggestion that the Lancet article is responsible for taking a strong position against vaccination is ridiculous when most of us have simply looked at the CDC reporting system to formulate our conclusions that vaccines are not safe or effective. I would encourage you to take a look for yourself. The CDC correlates the instances of autism with vaccinations and admits the risk. One of the lead researchers admitted that the research was altered in an attempt to erroneously reflect a lessened risk than actually exists for complications for specific target populations. Furthermore, the reporter dismisses the risk factors from mercury and omits the other toxic compounds that can be found in vaccines from the discussion. Look more deeply at this issue and I am willing to say that you will likely refrain from exposing your precious children to questionable and unproven vaccines that carry significant risk.

And then there are the doctors… Travis states that he supports the parents who have the free will to make an informed choice about vaccinations. Then his fellow physicians try to undermine that statement by making humiliating inferences toward parents who do not vaccinate based upon acceptable scientific inquiry (on the part of the parents) in favor of avoiding any unwarranted risks that could harm their children. I was embarrassed for them during this discussion – it bordered on being unethical in my opinion. They were covertly and overtly trying to sway their audience. It’s their job, they are paid to tell you these things, they are educated to believe these things; but it’s not all that cut and dried in actual practice. One doctor admitted that this year’s flu vaccine does not protect people from the strain that has been crossing the country. The vaccine developers guessed and they were wrong. This happens more frequently than most doctors would like to believe. Just look at the science and the reporting system. Even the doctors on TV admit that the flu shot is ineffective against this year’s main strain:

Doctors Discuss Vaccines Ineffectiveness Against This Year’s Flu

You will find three video clips about these issues at the link above, although you will have to click on each video to watch the content for each topic. I realize that doctors can be and usually are biased based upon the people who come to them for help who are sick or want to pursue allopathic approaches. We see people who are more interested in prevention and strengthening the Immune System who are well. There’s a big difference and it can alter one’s attitude. I will always stand on the side of Wellness and Prevention.

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