Daily Discipline Gives You the Stairsteps to Total Health!
If there was an elevator that would whisk you immediately to Health; wouldn’t more people know more about it? There is no elevator for most people! There is the occasional miracle elevator that shows up when a spiritual breakthrough occurs…but that happening is one on a million!
There is, however, a stairway that is composed of many steps that will take you to a another area where you will enjoy Total Health following a lengthy pursuit of developing a healthy Lifestyle. It is a journey and your experience of improved health will continue to provide you with the incentive and benefits which keep you on track. Ultimately, the daily steps to arrive at complete Wellness develop discipline within you until you attain your health goals.
If you are gracious enough to yourself each and every day, then you will take these daily steps to accomplish lasting vitality and Well-Being. It is a disciplined process which carries its own rewards each step of the way!