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Bloating Bellies and Overindulgence During Thanksgiving and Christmas: What Helps You Digest All That Food?

OK…it’s the day after the big Thanksgiving Day feast and you still feel stuffed. Your belly is bulging and you know that you ate too much food. So what can you do to support your digestion?

It’s simple. Drink a cup or two of organic Peppermint Tea. Peppermint is known for easing tummy aches, upset stomachs, nausea, morning sickness, food poisoning, and the bloating feeling from overindulgence. Brew your organic Peppermint Tea for a few minutes and sip it until you feel that your stomach discomfort is passing.

If you cannot find organic Peppermint Tea at your local grocery store; then you can either order it from Frontier or get some AuraCacia Peppermint Essential Oil and drop a few drops on your wrist, raise your arm to your nostrils, and inhale deeply to get some relief from over-eating during the Holidays.

Aura Cacia Aromatherapy

If you have mixed and matched a dozen different dishes during Thanksgiving Dinner; then you might benefit from a batch of digestive enzymes. Use a nutritional supplement that contains a broad spectrum of enzymes for protein, carbohydrates, starches, and fats. You may need to take the enzymes for the next few meals to adequately break down all those crazy food combinations.

HerbTrader sells Digestive Enzymes under Natural Wellness and Vitamins and Supplements in the Digestive Aids section of their website. You can find one or more suitable supplements here.

If you don’t have access to digestive enzymes, then find some fresh organic pineapples and papayas. You can eat them fresh when you slice them into pieces or else you can juice them. It is a good idea to include papaya and pineapple just before you eat any large meal through the Holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s Eve.

If you want to drink something besides juice to aid your digestion, then China Cola is the perfect fizzy beverage. The herbs and essential oils that are part of a traditional Chinese herbal formula for digestion makes a healthy beverage taste great. It really does taste a lot like any good Cola. You can drink it alone or with your meals. Any Whole Foods Market that carries Reed’s Sodas should have China Cola on the shelves. It’s refreshing when cooled and will support the digestive process complete with bubbles. You may belch once or twice after you finish the bottle, but you’ll feel a lot of relief when you do.

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