A Rose is a Rose is a Rose: High Fructose Corn Syrup By Any Other Name is Still Going to Compromise Your Health!
It bothers me that when a manufacturer gets bad press and the facts start to reveal the health problems associated with a processed substance, they simply rename their product and begin a marketing campaign to skew the public’s opinion and frame of reference. It’s deplorable, but fortunately we are all smart enough to see it for what it is!
A rose is a rose is a rose by any other name…it’s still what it is! You can alter the color of the petals, you can attempt to grow varieties with fewer thorns, and you can create hybrids that look differently; yet at the core level – it’s still a rose!
Let’s get to the truth of the matter about corn sugar and high fructose corn syrup. I am not paid to say this and I can prove what I say by making hundreds of thousands of actual REAL demonstrations using my sophisticated equipment on any number of individuals. What I am going to tell you will be proven virtually every time unless I happen to test someone with a constitution made of steel.
High Fructose Corn Syrup or corn sugar as the new buzzword of this product is trying to be reinvented as…is still going to compromise your health. You can’t just rename it and make it instantly be metabolized differently in the human body. Sorry, marketing gurus – your gimmick isn’t going to fool most of the people! We’re just too smart these days to relinquish our intelligence when it comes to making a relevant determination about refined sweeteners. Your attempt to rebrand High Fructose Corn Syrup as corn sugar is just going to expose you for the marketing maniacs you are.
You’ve mounted this media campaign to convince uninformed people that corn sugar or HFCS is the same as any other sugar when it enters the human body. That’s simply not true!
You claim on your website that corn sugar is the same as honey. We know that is not the case. The array of trace minerals in honey allow the human body to metabolize honey differently than your refined and processed corn sugar. Get real, dudes!
Now…biochemically the glucose and fructose has the same molecules, but the body can recognize and react to much more than mere molecules. Individuals who are allergic to corn will have a reaction. The human body can tell the difference between maple syrup and honey and corn sugar and appears to be innately more intelligent than the marketing department of the companies that manufacture corn sugar. LOL!
You claim on your website that HFCS has been used for forty years to make foods more palatable and affordable. Well, let’s see, about forty years ago, the populus began to experience degenerative diseases and health problems like diabetes in ever increasing percentages ravaging the health of a nation. Is there a correlation?
The high cost of these diseases is far greater than the pennies saved in the use of corn sugar in processed foods. A person with diabetes that has to inject insulin every day suffers from a dramatic change in their Quality of Life and what is responsible? Their diet? You cannot compare the pennies with mere taste and convenience. You could consider the impact that your company’s lack of ethics has on an individual whose health is compromised when they buy into your advertising slogans and irrational reasoning.
At a bio-energetic level…not all sugars are created equal. A sugar is NOT a sugar by all names and in all forms! It simply is not the case. Your body knows!
Not all sugars are safe, nor are they all natural. You’ve tried to change the definition of ‘natural’ over the years, too. So what’s new?!? Corn sugar = High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Do you seriously expect consumers to fall for that last statement that if they follow federal guidelines, that non-nutritive sweeteners are safe? Who writes this stuff? Enough is enough!
If you are smart as we hope you are, for your own health’s sake; you will recognize what these bozos are doing to try to hoodwink all of you about corn sugar. Don’t fall for their arguments without performing real due diligence!
If you want to eat corn, eat it as a whole food. Corn on the cob fresh from the field is delightful. Just make sure it’s organic!
If you want to sweeten your foods and beverages; then use truly pure and natural sweeteners. We’ve covered them in previous posts and you can read more about them on this Blog.
If you want to see the propaganda machine at work, just visit this website and you can understand why I am compelled to blog about this subject. It’s ridiculous to make a claim that HFCS will keep ingredients mixed evenly in salad dressings when all it takes is ten seconds to shake the bottle of salad dressing to mix it perfectly well. You should be making your own fresh salad dressing instead of using bottled dressings anyway!
The flavors in beverages don’t NEED to be maintained in a consistent manner. It’s OK for flavors to vary as much as any recipe from scratch will vary with any cook in the kitchen. Food is NOT a drug that requires standardization!
The baked goods and whole grains that I eat are more than palatable and no corn sugar will EVER be added to natural and organic ingredients that are delicious in their own right without doctoring them with corn sugar! Come and dine with me for proof of that!
I prefer to use fresh organic substances in my condiments, not some additive to make it appear to be fresh. Furthermore, spices and fruits in marinades and sauces speak for themselves when they are organically grown and do NOT need corn sugar enhancement. Let’s not play these stupid mind games and advertising tricks!
I don’t need corn sugar to get that golden brown and delicious color on my baked breads, cookies, and cupcakes. What a crock! Sticky caps in pharmaceutical elixirs…good grief!
Call me traditional, call me smarter than the average bear, but don’t expect me or any other reasonably intelligent person to succumb to these ridiculous remarks about corn sugar and HFCS…I like my real natural and organic sweeteners. I actually rather enjoy a whole piece of fruit. Peel a ripe banana, enjoy a ripe apple, dive into a whole orange, and give me what’s real.
Just say ‘no’ to corn sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup, because it compromises the health of the human body no matter what you rename it and no matter how many quotes you place on a website. Your body knows the difference!
May 23rd, 2011 at 8:51 am
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