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Oprah and Food, Inc.: The Time Has Arrived…Food at It’s Finest

Oprah recently discussed the movie Food, Inc which describes the paltry agricultural practices and the reasons why Americans are suffering from disease, food pricing wars, and challenges in the decision-making process for Wellness and healthy food choices. You must watch this movie and if you’ve already seen it; then it’s time to integrate some of the concepts into your healthy Lifestyle.

We have been aware of and finding alternatives to the abysmal farming, processing, and agricultural management practices that left us speechless way back in the 1970s. Documentaries and websites and businesses are now becoming better known to present the unsuspecting public with this information, so they can make intelligent choices for themselves and join the Food Revolution.

We have supported new companies who were willing to make significant changes in the way they raised their animals on real ranch and farm land, named their animals and took care of them as well as they cared for their children, and worked diligently to bring back integrity to the business of food production. We bought products like healthy toothpaste, tofu, and organic produce when they were rarely available and we were glad to pay high prices for them.

These whole foods and healthy products cost a lot less today than when we first began to vote with our pocketbooks and thus…the new industries based upon well-being were born and flourished. Even today, many small companies have been bought out by larger conglomerates due to the profitable success they experience. We all know where to put our money!

The whole foods and sustainable agricultural businesses are thriving in this economy. We are the wave of the future that has already arrived…and now the masses are getting the idea with people like Oprah and authors and film makers immersing the public with the facts, the issues, and the solutions.

You can go to Oprah’s website and take a look at some of the issues addressed on this episode. Take a moment to view Food, Inc. again and join us as more and more individuals who truly care about these topics by living an authentic life bring the goodness and the obvious benefits to you.

We are doing our part by sharing information and pointing you in the right direction…to companies and businesses that are making an impact in the change that we have demanded for so long. You are here at the best time to avail yourselves of the finest that has been created to restore a system with strength, integrity, and invigorate it with great intentions backed by action day by day by day.

The issues are many and we will get to each one of them over time. Today, suffice it to say that the quality of your food will determine whether or not you suffer from degenerative diseases or experience optimal wellness and remarkable health. Whole Foods is where your future dwells, if you intend to enjoy excellent health and Well-Being.

You’ll continue to hear it from all four corners…Whole Foods! That’s the name of the new game in town. It’s the original and the future way to be healthy and happy in all endeavors as you walk your path in Life.

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