Look…Listen…Learn – Live with Integrity!
It seems that every day we are made aware that there are scoundrels among us!
You really must continue to be vigilant…look, listen, and learning to Live amidst wolves in sheep’s clothing! Not only do we hear of daily Recalls of dangerous and inferior products made in China and other foreign countries who do not give sufficient value to Quality Control standards and enforcement…we have to deal with Marketing Campaigns that are deceptive and inaccurate.
Aquafina is sourced from Tap Water! Even though it goes through a purification process before being bottled and sold through inviting visual images in slick advertisements; it does not adequately alter the energetic signature of the water. Your body still sees it as refuse from polluted municipal water usage and reuse. The human body will not utilize this water the same way as pure mountain spring water from the living Earth.
Then we watch the USDA ruin Certified Organic Standards and labeling laws. They can be grouped in with those Chinese government officials and businessmen who are corrupt. Close to these deceitful people who willingly exploit your blind faith are those enterprising corporations who are trying to enter the Natural Foods market with new organic lines like Gerber baby food or Prago spaghetti sauce or General Mills’ whole grains (that are NOT) ploy to make you a part of their fake nation.
It’s disgusting…sad and disheartening that this issue even needs to be addressed! “Integrity” and “Honesty” should be the norm and have no exceptions!
So…the bottom line is this: DO NOT buy any product from any company who does not exhibit total “Integrity”!
Buy ONLY from companies who are honorable, dedicated to your health and Well-Being, and conducting their business with genuine “Integrity”!