DoctorsTV and the On-Going Battle of the Sexes
The doctors and audience had such a good time comparing gender differences last time, they decided to go for Round 2 in the Battle of the Sexes. It was good for a laugh or two…and there was little health information shared amidst the strong attitudes and assumptions about the opposite sex.
It’s a wonder that the human species continues to exist with as much disrespect and the differences that separate the members of the opposite sex. There is much more opposition than agreement with harmony…which makes for healthy relationships.
Part of your own health is going to be determined by the quality and the support within your respective relationships and interactions with both females and males. Your healthy attitude is derived from your ability to find balance in the context of these interactions whether they are personal or work-related in nature. If you are continuously stressed by people; then your health will suffer. We see ulcers, heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative conditions as a result of dissatisfaction with others and self.
If you argue with your partner, then your physical, emotional,, mental, psychological, and spiritual well-being suffer. If you harbor resentment, disgust, anger, jealousy, envy, or a host of other imbalanced feelings toward others in your life; then it can affect your state of health. Hence, one of the most important ways you can improve your health is to improve your relationships.
One of the funniest things that was said was about camping for two weeks to avoid emotional challenges that come from endocrine imbalances during a woman’s menstrual cycle known as PMS. The sign of true maturity in an individual is to allow others their space and their expression while maintaining your own sense of balance and evenness. Relationships with members of the opposite sex and the same sex are one of the only opportunities a person has to learn to achieve this level of mastery of Self. When you can allow another person their craziness and hold your own sanity; you have accomplished that delicate state of balance that is a most desirable goal and state of Being. That is one example of a genuine state of Well-Being. All hell could be breaking loose around you, but you would remain centered and calm in the midst of chaos.
Visit Frontier and look for the Brand, AuraCacia, to find Essential Oils for your sexual health and expression:
Essential Oils will help in this process as will Flower Essences. The B Complex vitamins help your body deal with stress and support the nervous system. Calcium and other cooling, calming foods are going to assist you in this process, too. We highly recommend the Pearl Powder to balance the endocrine system, the nervous system, and to alleviate stress.
One thing to consider if you want to be a better lover and share a learning experience with your partner(s) would be to study Tantra and Taoist skills in building and directing one’s energy, including orgasmic energy. There are plenty of resources to gain insight and discover what the ancients knew in India’s Tantric traditions and in the Taoist’s secrets within their traditions. The knowledge exists in manuscripts for your edification and I can attest that there is substance in this training. It goes far beyond multiple orgasms and sexual performance with prowess, as it takes you into a world where chi/energy is understood and managed for Longevity and Well-Being at all levels of your existence.
If you feel like you need the nutritional support to be a better lover physically; then visit our friends at Dixie Heatlh and take a look at SuperTestron for the guys and other products for the gals.
Balance…it’s the key!