Obesity: The Secret Factor that No One is Talking About
Dr. Oz featured Carney Wilson on today’s show and she is a real trooper, although her emotional balance can use some work.
I would get rid of that blond bitch that has virtually no ‘bedside manner’ and is entrenched with her own opinion and ignorant of other factors that are relevant. I would have put the kabosh on her, if I had been in the studio!
The alcohol that Carney turned to in order to ‘deal’ with the emotional roller coaster of being judged in the Public Eye most likely contributed to her borderline brush with diabetes. She needs support for balancing the Liver Meridian to address the metabolism of carbohydrates and her emotional sensitivity. Bless her brave heart!
The teeter totter ups and downs of weight loss and gain is tricky business these days and there are as many ideas about how to best find that delicate balance for each individual as there are therapists and coaches on the planet.
What it boils down to is: Lifestyle.
People invariably need to find what is comfortable and natural for them in their daily lives to be able to maintain Balance and attain true Health and Wellness. It becomes a ‘Way of Life’ rather than an incidental journey for a few pounds or a medical diagnosis.
Let’s talk about pregnancy and the demands that it makes on a woman’s body. It should not come as any surprise if you put your mind to work that it takes an enormous amount of energy to build an infant’s body from a single zygote to a seven pound body with billions of cells all differentiated into specific healthy organs and systems. It takes most women two full years to replenish the energy that is expended over the course of nine months and all the demands of a newborn. Once the energy – both Yin and Yang – is replenished; then the body goes to work to fine tune the entire organism. Depending upon the mother’s personality, it is likely that she will compromise her own well-being to give more time and attention to the newborn and the family. It’s all too common. The woman often takes longer than two years to get back to the same level of health that she enjoyed when she became pregnant. Although many women often eat better, but get less sleep after they start their families. It’s all relative and each person needs to be viewed as an individual to determine how to find that state of Balance.
Hormone levels play an important role in this process and eating whole foods will help with restoring the endocrine system whether you’ve just had a baby or if you are attempting to lose or gain weight to achieve your ‘ideal’ body size.
Obesity is rampant in our culture, especially among our younger people and those in poverty. The quality of the food they eat contributes to this health issue and you cannot ignore this fact. If people do not change their food choices by switching to organic Whole Foods and beverages; then there will be NO lasting change to transition to authentic health and well-being.
The Secret Factor…
The secret factor that no one is talking about is the detoxification and effective elimination of synthetic chemicals from the obese human body. If this is not accomplished; there will be no true success for the majority of people.
The human body is a biological entity that responds to chemical signals. When there are synthetic hormones in the food you eat, your body will usually put on additional weight due these biological markers that come from the agricultural practices of marketing the fatted calf, the quick chick, and the tender lamb.
Look! If you don’t quit consuming food or beverages or water that is contaminated with synthetic chemicals, it is rather likely that your body will continue to be at the mercy of those chemical signals and obesity is one of the side-effects that is readily visible.
Similarly…if you don’t detoxify your body; then these chemicals keep telling your body to put on more weight. It’s really THAT simple.
You’ve read on our blog about the chemical soup in the municipal water supplies around the country…filled with prescription drugs, hormones from birth control pills, and all types of substances that are not removed that enter your body when you cook with or drink water from the tap. Likewise, if you water your garden with water from the city; then your own veggies and garden goodies will be contaminated with these same chemicals. You have to address the source.
There are two basic ways to detox your body. One is to take Liquid Zeolite daily. The other is to take an herbal formulation which gently promotes the cleansing of the blood and other tissues in the body eliminating toxins through the colon, the liver, the kidneys and bladder, and the skin.
Liquid Zeolite for Detoxification
You must then eat Whole Foods which are organic and grown in a sustainable manner. The water must be pure and the soil must be rich to provide nutrients and the soil-based organisms. Depending upon your individual nutritional needs, it may be prudent to supplement your whole foods diet with additional nutrients. Then adequate exercise, stretching, attitude, and relationships enter into the creation and maintenance of a Healthy Lifestyle.
If you are busy and need to have an organic dish in the refrigerator or the freezer for times when you are in a rush or need something that’s quicker than quick, yet utterly healthy for you; then these crepes will satisfy you and fortify you nicely.
We want to share yet another excellent source for healthy meat with you, so you can explore all your choices and enjoy the best foods on the plate!