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Young Girls Under Threat of Death by Diabetes Now More Than Ever

There are increasingly more frequent and serious cases of diabetes striking people earlier than ever before. The current social conditions created an inhospitable environment where parents fear for their children’s lives when they develop diabetes that is so severe that they might die in their sleep unless they get up every three hours to check their blood sugar. Parents are losing sleep with worry that their daughters will suffer the same fate as other young girls who have died due to the type of diabetes that claims young lives with much more fervor than we have seen in the past.

When Young Girls Must Live Under Threat of Death by Diabetes

We have to look at the nature of the environment in the home and at school where these young girls spend time and interact with chemicals and other factors that may weaken them – allowing further imbalances to arise in their sensitive bodies and immature minds. Then again, their diet must be examined to determine the degree of influence any foods or beverages play in the development of diabetic symptoms and presentations.

The transition to vegetarian and vegan dietary regimens have been quite successful in many instances where diabetic symptoms disappeared and the diagnosis disappeared with this significant change in the kinds of foods and beverages consumed by the individual. Although the vegan approach to food preparation does take some effort and mindful attention to detail to ensure healthy outcomes; it is far better and preferable to being prodded and poked to check insulin levels at all hours of the night! One would think that most parents would be willing to present their children with options that improve their health, rather than endure constant fears of finding their child dead due to the complications of this disease process.

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