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Dr. Oz and the Voting For Ten Transformation Nation Finalists Plus Appetite Suppression Ideas

Dr. Oz introduced the ten top Finalists in his contest called Transformation Nation which resulted in a weight loss of three million pounds.

You can vote for your favorites on the Dr. Oz website. The winner receives one million dollars for their effort and success. It’s all relative and subjective, so their stories will hopefully transform your life as well.

Men and women, young and older, these ten all participated and are examples of the system that Dr. Oz used for weight loss in this contest.


Dr. Oz was discussing appetite suppressants earlier in the show as if you would benefit from the attempt to manipulate the signals your body sends you that it needs to be nourished with food. There we go again…a doctor interfering in the natural process that is inherent to regulate appetite, hunger, satiation, and ultimately – the well-being of the body.

He went on a supplement and a food kick to artificially alter your appetite during the day. If you do all of this, when exactly are you going to have time to prepare and eat healthy meals and snacks through the day?

I have no problem with eating pine nuts, using grape seed oil, and including fennel; but to arbitrarily use them as tools is unfortunate. Yes, nibble on a variety of healthy nuts, dried fruit, and seeds. Coffee and healthy cookies have their place in the day, but they are not to be treated as an intervention tool. Glucomannan is highly over-rated… Rice noodles, mung bean noodles, soba noodles, and other whole grains are superior choices. here are the suggestions that Dr. Oz presented for you to review:

Dr. Oz Appetite Suppressants

You can chew your food longer and more completely which signals the brain when you’ve eaten enough. You can take smaller bites and swallow bites more often which also regulates the brain’s signals that you are full. You can sip a Miso Soup or include some fermented vegetables during your meal to provide enzymes that aid in digestion. Most of all…take your time when you eat to enjoy your meal. Conversation, pacing yourself rather than eating on the run, and sharing meals at family time really do work.

The more intelligent approach is to listen to your body and eat when you are hungry, quit eating when you feel satisfied, and honor your body’s wisdom. Cravings, bad habits, mindless eating, addictions, excessive portions, and all of the other weirdness fades away.

Weight management and body image are such relevant and important issues in our culture that doctors feel compelled to interfere as if it is a career. You simply need to return to a healthy Lifestyle that recognizes the value and place for your body to signal you correctly and fior you to be in alignment with total Well-Being.

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