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Marketing is for Farmers!

It’s true…marketing is definitely for Farmers! You’ll be in good company when you visit the Farmer’s Markets in your town or as you travel this time of the Summer. There are websites online that will tell you where and when to find these fabulous markets where the freshest and healthiest food abounds.

It’s generally superior: often being fresh from the field, often grown using better agricultural methods, often filled with a higher nutrient density compared to produce that’s been sitting in a warehouse or temperature-controlled waiting facility to ship and get to shelves. You are therefore the lucky (and intelligent) recipient of this ‘style’ of bringing food from the growers to the consumers.

So…go out to your Farmer’s Market now…today…tomorrow…and for the rest of this year’s growing season – buy with confidence and with the ways of the people close to the ‘soil’ on your side…on the better side of health!

Farmers Market Listings

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