Dr. Oz and the Men Who Hate His Advice From Their Wives
In case you missed it, the Dr. Oz show audience is primarily composed of women. They hug him and take his advice to heart.
So much so that they constantly talk to their husbands about the ideas and suggestions that pertain to men. The men are sick and tired of hearing about Dr. Oz.
One doctor, an optometrist, from our area, decided to take matters into his own hands and created a website called ‘ihatedroz’. He is able to diffuse his frustrations over his wife’s incessant counsel on his blog. does that sound vaguely familiar?
I don’t hate the doctor, I just think that you have to weigh what he says with a grain of salt before you make sweeping changes by following his advice. And I am a woman…not easily sold by his handsome face and arched eyebrows!
Dr. Todd Jones met Dr. Oz along with many other men who have heard enough of him to float their boats….or “blow a gasket” as the TV doctor describes on today’s show.
He shows no signs of toning down his mission or message to suit these men, because he’s doing what he does for their better medical care in his opinion.
The wives are the ones who will most likely bite their tongues and keep their thoughts to themselves out of respect for their husbands’ opinions. But they can cook and shop and do things around the house to implement what they feel strongly about for health’s sake without too much male protest.
Dr. Oz and the men Who Hate His Advice
One good idea that came from the hour for couples was to massage hands with olive oil and tarragon. i would suggest that you add a drop or two of the Essential Oil of tarragon or marjoram to the oil, instead of the herb itself.