Dr. Oz and Medical Myths Exposed: Common Mistakes and New Information
Dr. Oz did a fine job today of exposing many common medical myths and offering information to replace the old house-doctor’s tales.
Whether it’s the treatment and purpose for scabs or the best method for treating a burn, you will find out what the good doctor wants you to know from his website.
Personally, I find that the highest quality of the Essential Oil of Lavender is ideal for burns.
Now…mind you, some of this new information will change yet again as doctors learn more about medicine and health. For instance, frozen fruit and vegetables are not equal to fresh produce. The bio-energetic component is lost on doctors that know next to nothing about ‘energy’. Go with organic fresh produce as much as seasonally possible!
Dr. Oz went on to provide some alternatives to the usual foods used to improve memory with a guest expert who can memorize entire decks of cards. He credits his superior memory to cashew butter, avocado, and other whole foods.
Dr. Oz is beginning to see the light about the use of a Vitamin B Complex, instead of isolated vitamins. But he still ‘thinks’ about supplements the same way as he does about drugs. Hopefully with more experience, that too will change!