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Dr. Oz Needs a New Grocery List: 100 Items with Dozens That Don’t Belong on Your List

Dr. Oz fell short today as he tried to placate a family with a race between time mood, and healthy food.

He compromised while he gave the parents and children some alternatives that he thought they would find acceptable. It was a ‘hard sell’ for the doctor when it came to making the kids happy. But they did surprise him a little when they agreed to eat veggie burgers and try some other foods that they never would make their first choice.

Dr. Oz and 100 Things on Your Food List

The parents need a few lessons in empowerment and time-management. They need to change their busy schedules to better serve the members of their family before their choices take a toll on their health.

I wouldn’t ever let my children dictate what or what not I purchased and prepared for the family. The parent has to lead by example, instead of caving into the noise of picky eaters. Let those kids be hungry with only healthy food in front of them or in the fridge until they understand the value of the lesson that is being thrust upon them.

I cannot go along with the Shopping List that Dr. Oz gives to this family and his idea of ‘average’ families across the country. Let’s hope that eating these processed or frozen or canned foods is NOT the norm, nor considered ‘average’. It would be a shame…

Dr. Oz has no genuine understanding about healthy food when it comes to much of this List. He needs a nutrition refresher course… He also needs to learn how to discipline children when it comes to making intelligent food choices. The family unit needs to share power to make decisions that are healthy for the family, rather than allowing the kids to make power plays to control the parents who comply for some semblance of ‘getting through the day’…

It’s inappropriate to compromise on the quality of food instead of changing other Lifestyle behaviors and choices. The dinner meal should be prepared after the hubby comes home when he can help his wife with the children and the kitchen duties. The kids should be pitching in, too. They can learn some basic food preparation techniques, set the table, serve the family, and help with the shopping and the dishes. The mother needs to put her foot down and get some support for all of the chores. This family needs to change their priorities for their Lifestyles, rather than adhering to the limitations of the Dr. Oz 100 Item Food List.

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