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Doctor Oz and HGH: The Fountain of Youth in Your Pituitary is Flowering

HGH or Human Growth Hormone and the debate about the use of the hormone to find the proverbial Fountain of Youth was the topic that Dr. Oz tackled on today’s show.

We’ve discussed HGH before and we reminded you that the homeopathic remedies are not as effective as the actual hormone injections that are expensive. Many people go to Europe to get those injections and swear that they have found their bodies changing to show a return to a more youthful appearance.

Dr. Oz and HGH

The Pituitary is the gland at the center of this issue. It releases HGH while you sleep. Dr. Oz explained the process and tried to give his audience some pointers that would help this to occur. You need to go to sleep at a reasonable hour with total darkness in your bedroom for the Pituitary and Pineal glands to produce the desired hormones and release them to work their magic. Melatonin and HGH are but two of many hormones that determine whether the body remains youthful or fades away from aging when deficient and depleted.

Dr. Oz showed an inferior mask, so you really need to get the best sleep mask that is made to do the job at hand. Bucky’s carries the mask that I designed and it is specifically made to keep out all light to promote the hormonal release for your health, well-being, longevity, and immortality while you dream the dream of renewal and rejuvenation.

L-Argenine is an amino acid that has been identified in this process or hormonal production and release, but I remind you not to take amino acids as isolates. If you get plenty of quality protein in your diet, then your body will have sufficient supplies to provide this amino acid for this purpose. If you begin to supplement, be mindful of the quantity and the quality you use. It’s vitally important to maintain that healthy balance at all costs…

In addition to getting plenty of restful sleep every night, your healthy Lifestyle will include organic foods which provide minerals, protein, and other nutrients which the body must have to maintain or regain one’s youth to replenish the skin, build the muscles, and reverse the aging process. There is an attitudinal component that cannot be overlooked, but I don’t want to get into that discussion today.

It might be useful for you to be under a qualified doctor’s care to monitor your hormone levels by a physician who understands this science and appreciates the results that we are seeing for so many people who delve into this process. While it is still not an exact science, it is promising and their is enough proof to continue to go forward with HGH.

It’s not just HGH, it’s your entire Endocrine System…

You can use sound, light therapy, frequency information, and nutritional support with herbs, supplements, Essential Oils, and whole foods to accomplish the goal of Longevity and the objective of being forever young.

There are spiritual practices that will initiate your Pituitary gland to flower like a lotus blossom and the potential for a long and healthy Life along with the option for Immortality is a real possibility. But we’ll discuss all of that another time… Suffice it to say that the use of HGH is a beginning for this process, but giving your body and mind ALL that is available and prudent to support the accomplishment of your personal goals is much more involved and sophisticated than the discussion that we can have here.

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