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Antimony: Heavy Metal Poisoning in Toys Requires Attention with Care

You have heard that the good people who guide consumers about the safety issues regarding toys and other items announced that there is a problem with one of the toys that contains high levels of Antimony. Please take extreme care when handling this toy or any other object that harbors Antimony.

Antimony is a heavy metal. It is toxic. It acts like a poison in the human body and in animals to damage cells. You do not want Antimony to come into contact with your children or your pets.

This is the bottom line. There is really no safe level that is actually safe enough for these poisonous heavy metals. It’s simply unacceptable to accept the notion that a legally recognized level makes the toy safe. What utter non-sense. It is irrational, even though it is legal.

Even trace amounts of Antimony and other heavy metals causes damage to cells in a living organism. Just because a little damage is done and isn’t immediately life-threatening…doesn’t mean it is suitable for our precious children and pets. It’s ridiculous.

Look…there are any number of healthy choices for toys and presents that are just as cute and novel as this toy that has been shown to contain Antimony. Pick from among that assortment and forget the novelty of a furry thing that is going to get near the hands, mouths, and bodies of young kids. If they happen to lick the nose, touch it and touch their eyes, or any other ways of coming into contact with the Antimony, it causes damage.

You can use Liquid Zeolite to remove the heavy metals from the blood and lymph. Ask us how to acquire the best solution of Liquid Zeolite. They are not all created equal, nor will they all do the job of successfully removing and eliminating these heavy metals from the body.

Cilantro has been used to detox from heavy metals, as have several EOs that we can provide to you upon request. You can get Cilantro from two of our Affiliate partners online or find it in your local health food store or grow it in your garden.

Find healthy and safe toys for your children from among our affiliates and enjoy a safe holiday season for years to come, rather than fearing that one gift can keep destroying red blood cells year after year after year after year unless you intentionally detox the heavy metals from the body.

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