TheDoctorsTV and Jillian: Natural Sweeteners to Keep You in Good Shape
Jillian is bringing her fitness and exercise expertise to the set of TheDoctorsTV, but today she talked about the importance of healthy natural sweeteners before commanding Dr. Travis to go through the motions with some of her best exercise techniques.
She discussed her preference for stevia and blue agave syrup. I agree with her assessment. She insisted that people should go with more natural things, instead of the artificial sweeteners which initiate a metabolic problem from excitotoxins which alter your brain’s biochemistry. If you must sweeten a beverage or any food; then you will support your healthy Lifestyle by choosing a natural sweetener.
Many people have never even heard of stevia, but it is quickly becoming the natural sweetener of choice. The manufacturers are making it in new forms which resemble refined sugar. White granules in small packets or in bulk are easier for the average consumer to use, because it resembles what they are familiar with and it shares the same degree of convenience.
The liquid form of stevia is still a great idea, but remember that you don’t need as much as you might think to flavor any liquid. It is several times as sweet as the same amount of other sweeteners, so you can use less while still getting the same sweetness you crave.
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Speaking of craving something sweet… If you consistently find that you crave sweet foods or beverages, then your Earth Element consisting of the Spleen and Stomach meridians may be deficient. You can be evaluated by an acupuncturist to determine if this is the case. Then you might want to consider taking some herbal formulations that are designed to restore Balance to the energetic aspects of your body’s systems that regulate and control metabolism, blood, body fluids, and digestion.
In the interim, you can use natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, rice syrup, date sugar, molasses, and others to boost the sweetness of the foods and beverages you are eating and drinking until the cravings diminish. Foods that have been processed like baked goods and desserts can be healthy when prepared with natural ingredients. You’ll find many at the Gluten-Free website here: – Living gluten-free. Visit our SUPERSTORE today!
While Jillian suggested that you brush your teeth if you have a craving, that might not satiate your bio-energetic need for fuel from an inherent deficiency. There is no amount of exercise or other behavior that will replace the herbal formulas that nourish your body’s energy systems. If you are going to enjoy a healthy Lifestyle for the rest of your Life, then you will serve your body well by using natural foods and herbs for regenerating the weak systems. Jillian gave away electric toothbrushes to the entire audience and explained why oral health care is so important for weight management. It’s better than relying upon a spray or other gimmick to use in your attempts to control your cravings to lose weight.
Root vegetables, sea vegetables, dark leafy greens, and other whole foods are going to provide the nutrients and the energy that is required to rejuvenate your body. Herbs like parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, sage, and other green goodies like scallions, chives, and sprouts are plentiful in chlorophyll which will help to build the blood. There are herbs like Rehmannia which will be combined together in herbal formulations to build the blood and nourish the energetic systems of the Earth Element.
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