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Longevity: Focal Point of the Living Cell!

Integrity is often used to describe the character of the individual’s personality, yet in our case it applies to the qualitative state of the Cell.

You body is composed of billions of Cells which carry out specific functions and comprise various organs and systems. These Cells can be replaced by generating new Cells when the older Cells are damaged or die for some reason. But one aspect of Longevity appears to be associated with the long healthy life span of the Cell.

In order for a Cell to remain healthy and intact – to maintain its integrity – it must have a constant supply of nutrients, oxygen, and life force. The wall of the Cell must be intact. The internal environment of each and every Cell must be intact. The function of the Cell must continue to be performed without interruption.

What can you do to keep your Cells intact? You can supply nutrition from food and supplements. You can breathe clean air deeply and without restriction. You can provide the ‘life force’ that allows the function to be maintained in a state of balance.

We begin with Vital 18. We add a particular type of water. We provide a resource for life force development. Voila! The Cells stay healthy and you live a long and healthy Life.

If you are exposed to smoke, smog or air pollution, or chemicals from industry; then Liquid Zeolite will pull those out of the body away from the Cells.

If you are exposed to radiation from X-Rays or TVs, computers, or EMF sources; then you’ll need a specialty product that the government has proven to be effective.

Contact Us and We will provide you with the Ordering Information for this Bio-Water!  This is a clustered water that creates a specific pattern in order to be effective.  There is only one company who produces the formula that protects the Cell from radiation.  You must have this information…just in case you need it suddenly!

One Response to “Longevity: Focal Point of the Living Cell!”

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