Yes, Virginia, You Have to Chew Your Chia Seeds
People continue to ask: Do you have to chew Chia Seeds?
The obvious answer is: YES!
Everyone should chew their Chia Seeds and all of the food particles they place in their mouths. The very act of chewing releases saliva and begins the digestive process. Without this, your body will not be able to extract all of the nutrients from the food you eat.
It is essential to properly chew your Chia Seeds. They are SEEDS! Seeds are normally broken down in the soil by weather, water, worm, and time; so when it comes to getting the goodness out of your seeds – they MUST be chewed thoroughly.
It takes a little more time to chew your seeds, but the difference that it makes in your body is amazing. You gain access to the secret kingdom of the energy that powers all plant life on the planet. Without the sprouting and nourishment of the humble seed, plant material would cease to exist on the good earth.
So, yes, Virginia, you need to chew your Chia Seeds. You can also use ground meal or gel in dishes or drinks that do the work for you, instead of employing your teeth to do this task.
The Raw Food World Superfoods – Chia Seeds and Chia Flour
In fact, you must extend the chewing to Flax Seeds and other seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, and hemp seeds. You will want to either chew or choose to get the meal of the seed to save your teeth all that grinding…
You can get the meal from NAN above or the raw seeds from Love Street Living Foods below:
Love Street Living Foods – Raw Flax Seeds and More