Dr. Oz and Sources for Healthy Anti-Oxidants with Teas
This episode was a repeat performance of an earlier show, but you still need to find healthy sources of anti-oxidants in whole foods, teas, and herbs that serve to protect your body from free radicals and toxins.
These teas are well-known for providing nutrients and co-factors that support the human body. These teas taste good, especially when sweetened with natural sweeteners like honey or blue agave syrup.
These teas are organic and that truly makes a difference. Try one or more of these teas and learn how to enjoy healthy beverages that contribute to your health and well-being, instead of detracting from it. You’ll feel the difference…
Dr. Oz shared the following foods with his audience:
Beans are best.
Blueberries are big.
Cranberries are fine. Other red foods like raspberries and pomegranate with ellagic acid are well-known to offer up anti-oxidants in good supply, plus they taste good when combined with other fruits to balance the flavors.
Broccoli does possess anti-oxidants and offers properties that have been indicated in assisting in the prevention of diseases like cancer.
Dark Leafy Greens, herbs, spices, and many other whole foods are also good sources of anti-oxidants. You need a well-balanced diet to benefit the most. Variety is the spice of Life and brings balance and vitality.
Beets are fantastic, but you need to eat them fresh – not from a stupid can. It’s also important that you learn how to use the beet greens, too. Dr. Oz should instruct his production crew to introduce a whole food like beets, then have a GOOD cook prepare a dish from the organic whole foods for his audience. Then he’ll begin to touch the hem of the garment of Martha Stewart and Alice Waters… Whereas Dr. Oz boils his beets, it’s even better to roast them with olive oil, garlic, and other spices. He barely mentioned this, but he did pay it lip service for a brief moment.
Superfoods like Cupuacu and Goji Berries get their reputation from having all of these nutrients and co-factors. They are even higher than the whole foods that Oz has told you about, but perhaps that will be a topic for one of his future shows or a subject for the producers on Good Morning America. We feel that we are the best source of information about this stuff and we can show you the best places to get these whole foods, superfoods, and products to keep you healthy.
You might want to drink the teas, eat the fruits and vegetables, go for the greens, find the superfoods, and then get some of the fermented foods at VitalChoice. The Banner at the top of the Blog will take you there.
The thing that Dr. Oz is forgetting is the power of citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, and grapefruit which all have vitamin C for one’s health whether it’s the skin, the cells, and all of the other organs and systems of the human body. All of us who actually cook in the kitchen know enough to put lemon juice on artichokes, avocados, and other foods that brown easily. This is common sense that translates over from the kitchen to the health of your body that Western Medical physicians like Oz often forget. We’re here to remind you!