Dr. Oz and Oprah Discuss Anti-Aging Health Ideas!
This is one subject that we have assisted people with for over 50 years. People want to extend their lives and do so with greater health and Well-Being.
It’s not enough to do a few minor changes to gather a few years, if the quality of life isn’t improved in the process. You can say you are getting more time…but what are you going to be doing with that extra time and what kind of shape will you be in?
Just altering one aspect of your Lifestyle is not necessarily going to change the rest of your health equally. You really need to address the entire body, the entire Mind, the entire Being from a comprehensive viewpoint.
Wellness and Well-Being are your Goals for your willingness to change in an effort to live longer…you want to live BETTER!
Simple Lifestyle changes are ideal, but need to be integrated with an approach that encompasses the Whole Being!
I will be more specific when I have more time…
Yes…drink more Green Teas, White Tea, and Red Wine!
Yes…eat more blueberries, goji berries, and a variety of colorful organic fruits and vegetables daily (including the unique ones with the funny names)!
Yes…use spices, herbs, and essential oils to add nutrients and value to your foods and beverages. But dried spices and herbs just don’t have the life force that fresh herbs possess. If your spice rack has anything older than six months, you need an overhaul to replace them. Frontier can be trusted to have the freshest available.
Yes…BUT: Whole Grains are whole grains! Whole Grains are not breads. Whole Grains are not pasta. Whole is whole and there is just no getting around this issue! Face it and quit trying to placate people with their flour and bread addictions. Learn to prepare Whole Grains. Whole Oat Groats…not oatmeal! Whole Grains…not pasta. You can eat pastas and food items made from flour, but you will need to compensate for their inclusion in your food plan.
Many indigenous cultures combine beans, lentils, and whole grains to make a complete protein with all the wonderful fiber you could ever ask for in one meal. Red Beans and Rice or Lentils and Hummus are common examples in Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisine.
Beano is the “Lazy Man’s Way” to deal with the gaseous quality of beans. The wise cook soaks the beans overnight and discards the soaking water. Then you add kombu to the beans as they cook along with onions and spices to prepare them properly for good digestion.
Seeds are fantastic! Chia seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sprouted seeds are excellent! Sprinkle your seeds on your Whole Grains, especially with gomasio. We have been considering making our special gomasio available commercially, since once you try it you will never want to be without a healthy sprinkling!
Salmon is wonderful and VitalChoice is sustainably-fished salmon along with other fish with high levels of EFAs. Vital 18 is the best spirulina product on the market…bar none! I will pit Vital 18 against anything else out there and win every time hands down!
Yoga is the way to go! You can walk, you can run, you can do cardio and everything under the sun…but do Yoga daily!
I cannot recommend the baby aspirin. Get a different source of the type of acid that aspirin is processed from natural herbs (white willow bark) to acquire in the first place. Use essential oils and coconut oil or olive oil with food to get your lipids in balance. Liquid Calcium and Magnesium are far superior to supplementation in pill form.
Good sleep, healthy sex, and moderate stretching can be every day ways to keep your Health intact as you age gracefully. If you want to reverse aging; then read our Blog tomorrow!